Wednesday, December 8, 2010

What Is A Male Brazilian

ATTACKS FROM THE NET! - September 2010

In this small space we have promised, in keeping with the spirit of the original, and only to highlight only the positive aspects of our society, allowing maximum freedom, of course, provocative columns and, politely, as rebel "the lawyer of lost causes," bulletin board where one of our young people more engaged, Giuseppe Avigliano, analyze and process reflections on topics of interest overall, and never offend or accuse someone and the friendly local actor Gino Myalgia heading, where it is fun to make fun and above all the contradictions of our everyday life!
short, a simple and peaceful, the association ebolidiva, a collaboration that has never created problems for the very kind of responsible "Journal of Eboli, hopefully, and will always emphasize the positive aspects of Eboli appealing to the natural artistic skills, human and professional qualities of its inhabitants!
This time, however, we grant a license, we guarantee it, some will not start a fragment of negativity to be included in our page, the cue is given to us by the continuing attacks by some kind of twisted minds, society ebolitana in a whole new dimension and, therefore, difficult to manage!
The stage is a very famous social network fecebook, a platform on the net from a few years, but he did breeze in the heart of so many people at Eboli has experienced a real "high jump" of Facebook, a phenomenon undoubtedly due to the low range of activities that the city continues to suffer and to too many hours spent by ebolitani, including us, of course, in front of a screen! The problem is that for some 'time were born of real groups of "terrorists" of the network, to begin a new era of social upheaval, at least that support them, have begun to create fake accounts with the sole intention to offend and mock ebolitano any medium is present in network, Facebook, relying on physical appearance, aesthetics, on political or sexual orientation and human and also coming to move serious charges of any kind, without ever giving the opportunity to the injured party, to defend himself!
Our doubts about this new technique of social rebellion, are based on the actual danger, as compared to the feelings of others, that these attacks hide.
The network, especially if they lived on a social networking becomes a great place where everyone can read and see the evolution of the life of another, a place where you can easily retrieve information without ever having to look for and where a person can be attributed to things not really committed and guilt never really deserve!
Moreover, in this great square there can be bitter against anyone, by leveraging its greatest difficulties. ... Aesthetics, appearance, various guidelines, etc., etc!
Ebolidiva with this article, wants to declare themselves against this type of "targeted" cowardly, of attacks on companies that are considered destructive and meaningless, created by unknown individuals who exploit the network to make "war" to their fellow citizens, unable to fulfill the responsibilities of a criticism that at times may also have the content of justice and truth, but it loses value when it becomes real fury against the less " guilty "of the social situation of the city and the people!

Cosimo Avigliano


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