Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Hip Pain From Running


Questo doveva essere solo un breve articolo di richiamo rispetto ad una semplice attività di pura solidarietà svolta dall’associazione Ebolidiva nel pieno rispetto dei suoi principi fondativi e delle sue più esplicite intenzioni…. Questo doveva essere un articolo che raccontava di una associazione che, chiamata in causa da addetti ai lavori, si prestava in modo gratuito e disinteressato, per sollevare delle persone, anche though occasionally, their problems!
Instead, after having ascertained the willingness and passion demonstrated by the two "volunteers" to do the respondents generous service to society and have reflected on their age, their social conditions, the chronic inactivity due to a permanent state of scarcity and economic continuing waiver of ... after a long reflection on the daily injustices suffered by the two moral characters in question, because of their names and some of the errors committed by their namesake, we thought it was fair to give resonance due to their noble gesture, rather than limit all communication intervention carried out! The issue
a young woman, alone with dependent children, its emergence was the company's hasty eviction which had been forced by the city because in the home where he was staying, owned by the municipality, of course, you will have to make an accommodation.
Clearly, the urgency of the eviction mother had put the girl into serious difficulties, its social and economic conditions would not allow her to contact a moving company to rescue his belongings, the pressure of the municipal police created a situation quite annoying ... so, thanks to a municipal employee, a friend of Ebolidiva and sensitive to certain subjects, we were contacted to provide an important aiuto alle operazioni di trasloco! Considerato la fretta e gli impegni degli altri componenti dell’associazione, non sarebbe stato facile realizzare l’intervento, ma la fortuna ed il fondamentale rapporto di amicizia tra il responsabile dell’associazione e molti ragazzi e ragazze del Rione Pescara, permetteva di individuare in due giovani, Orlando Petrillo e Gerardo D’amato, la forza necessaria per portare il sostegno della nostra associazione dove era stato richiesto!
Due giovani capaci di comprendere in pieno, senza se e senza ma, l’importanza dell’intervento, capaci di andare anche oltre ciò che gli era stato richiesto, capaci di non scoraggiarsi di fronte all’assenza di tutte le altre “belle” reality that had acceded to the request, but had never arrived on the scene where he needed a small gesture of solidarity!
Yet, because of their names, these two young men, at Eboli, are constantly discriminated against and habits associated with youth and acts of lawlessness, despite all their efforts to stay away from mistakes, which sometimes are not enough efforts, but are a clear sign of a reaction important than the discomfort in our society which condemned them, abandoning them in a ghetto neighborhood, forgetting them at every opportunity for development, depriving them of employment opportunities .... Despite this, only and exclusively for the names of the "honor" of bring these two young men, along with many others, have not and will never have the opportunity to see recognized a gesture of solidarity that would see other glorified!
One limitation of our society, this certainly favored a bad habit from the mistakes and crimes of some, but that ends up expressing a global condemnation of all those who have specific names that lead back, unfortunately, one size does not always suited to rules of good living and the demands of legality and safety!
Orlandino Petrillo and Gerardo D'amato, two boys simple, humble, two normal people who have demonstrated, over time, to hold a commendable dignity, inner strength is not difficult to find the soul of many boys and girls living in a difficult reality and deviant as a neighborhood abandoned and penalized as the District of Eboli Pescara!
Congratulations to them, therefore, much more than an association that has to be his only merit was always near at all times of their daily life difficult, congratulations to these two young men represented a neighborhood that, though wounded by its many difficulties, the courage and strength to fight and always! Cosimo


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