Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Good Initiation Ideas

GINO Ciaglia and his stories! - November 2010

And if batman ...

Salerno-Reggio Calabria

Imagine the scene. Traffic
hallucinating: cars, trucks, vans, buses are so spot on an atrium that does not even see the tarmac. What if you get sick you can not miss out of the car, because there is no room to open the door.
In the midst of all 'I'm the casino, there is the Batmobile.
Batman is in, the elbow resting on the open window and resigned his chin on the palm of your hand. He smokes. But where it's going
our Batman?

For me, our superhero has broken and the engine is moving the garage. And well, yes, for once our beloved butler Alfred failed to fix the Batmobile.

And for you dear readers, where it is going our Batman and how he would manage? Exit the traffic?
Continue to write the story and send it to the "Journal of Eboli," or one of my mail - gino.ciaglia @ -

I embrace you!

A special greeting to my dear reader of Piedmont.

Gino Ciaglia


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