Wednesday, December 8, 2010

How To Fix A Tech Deck


exist, and not just at Eboli Eboli, the activities of human solidarity that comply fully with the principle of essential support to people in need and specific action involving dozens of volunteers with no of no interest! In myriad
Association who flock to the third sector citizen, those that stand in direct support of these practices to a specific number of families are once again those brothers who, from their historic home, the convent of San Pietro Alli Marmi, seem observe the vicissitudes of the city in "Religious" silence, speaking with skill and ease in social activities \\ care addressed to people and realizing with simplicity and respect for what looks like a work of support that so many people, far more "noisy" and much "money hungry", they fail to honor!
A polite and constructive presence has always produced an immense respect and sympathy among ebolitani visible, not surprisingly, there are many volunteers who decide to cross the door of the convent to be useful in the conduct of human charity, as a form temporary support to people living in difficult times, too many "right-thinking" are racing to destroy this very important concept of brotherhood by converting the substance, which is nothing but the principle of being present difficulties in others a spirit of altruism, with a much more vulgar and nasty form of "welfare" that has invaded the field of the third sector for obvious reasons as a pretext for not "getting your hands dirty!
friends Friars, they have never stopped "loving" their neighbors and, therefore, have never faced the problem of analyzing up to the utmost the consequences of their social commitment, on the contrary, in silence and without "pander" no one, politicians in the lead, they continued in their good works, showing, wherever it was needed, that the spirit of solidarity does not need arguments beyond those made con il cuore!
Tra le attività più costruttive ed encomiabili realizzate dai Frati, spicca “ L’Opera della carità”, ovvero, quello che una volta, prima di frazionarsi, era il “Banco alimentare”.
Questa attività è gestita da anni proprio dai frati nel Convento di Eboli, per rendere meglio l’idea dell’importanza che essa ricopre, bisogna rendere noto i “numeri” e fare una giusta introspezione.
Tanto per cominciare, ci piace rendere noto il numero delle famiglie e la quantità di merce destinata a loro; 68 nuclei famigliari, per ben due volte al mese, si dividono, in media, ben 20 quintali di merce, un notevole e massiccio impegno che richiede hard work and passion. In fact, it is also important to stress the unity of volunteers needed to carry out an activity so challenging, starting from the useful means of transport, means "Donato" by a company driver with attached Eboli, meet dozens of figures in this business ... . Volunteers who accompany Gianfranco Between traveling for loading and unloading at the warehouses in Caserta almost always arrive on 5 / 6 units, are responsible for loading and unloading, of course, and they do it with incredible strength and a passion beyond description. The best thing about all this is that the brothers almost always seek to involve young people from difficult realities and environments where the need is always at the gates, in addition to lunch and other small forms of "relief" for the kids is a parcel of packaged foods that they, without any misunderstanding, leading to their homes as a reward for their work .... . an example of how to educate a person to deserve a reward! The second phase of the activity in question is of a logistic nature, must, in fact, select the product and divide it by the families involved! This phase sees the entrance of other volunteers, usually women and the elderly, defined tertiary Franciscans, who attend the convent with the intention of making profits, they are entrusted with the difficult task of allocating equally the goods and to realize food parcel to be delivered to households involved in this operation are 5 / 6 volunteers, who, this time, they receive nothing in return other than the certainty of having done good! Same goes for the other volunteers in the third phase, that of delivery, girls and ladies lend themselves to welcome our brothers and sisters in need by providing them with all the love that can and trying in every way to minimize the moral difficulties of those living situations of hardship and was forced to accept some help!
Well, another wonderful reality of the territory ebolitano that should be stressed more strongly and opposed to the many negativities that plague everyday citizens ... Eboli.
As our basic principle, we try to give maximum visibility to this particular type of intervention, we do so confident that those 15 \\ 20 volunteers and the many friars who stimulate their souls in the works of charity and who are committed to their peers in work that this task requires, have the right to be acknowledged and never feel alone in these activities, we do so because we firmly believe that the importance of men and women capable of all this may be driving much of other things become more visible but which produce a lot less ...
Eboli can only thank the friars of all this, we have left for last question about the "Right" and the convent annual pay for the removal of the goods of the Work of charity .... A sum not quite striking, of course nonsense in front of the quantity of goods to be withdrawn, but which proves, once again, the humility of these men our brothers who, while not getting anything from the institutions, while not asking for any type of fund, devote themselves to bringing others also "his pocket" .... An example of selflessness that so many of us should learn!

Cosimo Avigliano


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