Wednesday, December 8, 2010

How To Sign A Wedding Card

GINO Ciaglia and its stories - August 2010

can happen to anyone

Yesterday I phoned the clerk of a debt collection company on behalf of Sky.
tells me that it is delinquent in September 2009.
I wonder why.
I say that from the April 4 Last year I left my house and there I have returned. Case
earthquake. The decoder sky lies crushed under the weight of a wall collapsed.
then apologizes and says he will do what I have said this to the proper authorities.
Then, thoughtful, asking me if now, after a year, everything is fine. And I
salt lump in the throat. Then he asked me to tell what is my city now.
And I do.
The story of the old garrison.
The story that I can not go to my house whenever I want. The story, however, the thieves go there undisturbed. The story of the buildings left there to die. The story of the money that we do not have to rebuild. And there are not to help us survive. The story, from July 1, will return to pay taxes and contributions, even if we do not work. The story that we will pay the the. Us and mortgages on destroyed homes. It will share regular payments on loans. Even for those who have nothing. That, in July, an earthquake with a gross salary of € 2000 will see payroll of € 734 net pay. That not only come back to pay taxes, but will return immediately all those not paid by April 6. That the state does not pay the homeless people who manage themselves well twenty-seven thousand, even that small contribution of 200 Euros per month which should help them pay rent. That rents have tripled. Without any control. Che io pago ,in un paesino di cinquecento anime, quanto Bertolaso pagava
per un appartamento in via Giulia, a Roma.
La sento respirare pesantemente.
Le parlo dei nuovi quartieri costruiti a prezzi di residenze di lusso.
Le racconto la vita delle persone che abitano lì. Come in alveari senz'anima. Senza neanche un giornalaio. O un bar. Le racconto degli anziani che sono stati sradicati dalla loro terra. Lontani chilometri e chilometri. Le racconto dei professionisti che sono andati via. Delle iscrizioni alle
scuole superiori in netto calo. Le racconto di una città che muore.
E lei mi risponde, con la voce che le trema.
“Non è possibile che non si sappia niente di tutto questo. Non potete restare così. Call the television journalists. You have to tell him. Call the press. They have to write it. "

Gino Ciaglia


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