Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Wedding Card Messaages

CTO Matthew RIPA - October 2010

Also this year, at Eboli, you can access free classes for learning divided into several areas that will allow residents and many ebolitani in adjacent areas to have available means and skills to learn new knowledge base or retrieve school years.
This park will be offered excellent opportunities, once again, the old territorial permanent education and training in adulthood. (EDA).
activities will be carried out, as is now happening for years, including within the institution "Matteo Ripa", in Piazza Pietro da Eboli Eboli.
The courses will be aimed at people aged 16 years and up to an age limit is not defined, the certification that those enrolled will be able to obtain the diploma of middle school ol'attestato training credit. To register for a course you will have to ask at the school office Matteo Ripa, to inform young people of Eboli and Country or contact the leaders of the ebolidiva who will care to provide the necessary documentation.
courses to be undertaken are as follows; Welcome and orientation - to fulfill compulsory school Elementary school, Middle school, return to schooling (Evening course surveyor). For the area languages \u200b\u200b- Literacy of the Italian language, Italian for friend (specific language for foreigners), Italian language curriculum., The Easy English, English Language Level I, Level I French Language, Advanced English Language (For English classes, you can achieve certification Trinity). Area Technology-Computer Basics (Operating System and Word), Computer-term (Excel, PowerPoint, Internet, etc.), ECDL Preparation Course, Project @ nut: Information Technology to break down the barriers of communication, addressed to Handicapped people, historical and cultural area, "Eboli it was" local memory! The association
ebolidiva, as strongly supported in previous years, but in 2010 he jumped at the opportunity to advertise in the proper way that business, confident that certain opportunities learning can only do good for our city, we have once again produced hundreds of leaflets and posters distributed in the majority in the district District Pescara to bring in a specific environment, where there is real lack of culture in the school and where percentage of residents lack even the simplest of statements, those which by law should be mandatory, at least the possibility of recovery, and why not, the opportunity to access important courses, such as those on language or on computer.
In the coming days will see the posters that ebolidiva display it in the district, the moderate interest shown by stakeholders in previous years, It encourages us to promote the expansion of the proposal offered by social Permanent Territorial Center, some challenges have to be dealt with as best as possible, so that their validity can be effective in certain societies where proposals are!

Cosimo Avigliano

A. Courses for the fulfillment of compulsory education:

□ □ Primary school Middle school courses in
□ Return (Evening course

B. Area of \u200b\u200blanguages: Literacy
□ Italian language for foreigners

□ Italian for friend (specific language for foreigners)
□ Italian Language I liv. The English
□ □ easy
English Language I liv.

□ French Language I liv. □ English Language
(For English classes, you can achieve certification Trinity)

D. Technological area:
□ Computer Basics (Operating System and Word)
□ Computer Intermediate (Excel, PowerPoint, Internet, etc.)
□ □
ECDL Preparation Course Project @ nut: Information Technology to break down the barriers of communication, addressed to Handicapped people

E. Area historical and cultural
□ "Eboli it was" local memory


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