Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Hiatus Hernia Hong Kong

EBOLITANA cultural renaissance - 1 November 2010

The advent of the association in the world of associations ebolitano Ebolitana cultural renaissance coincides with publication of a book of great depth, "Guide of the old town of Eboli" published in August 2007. That same year, thanks to the passion and love for our city as expressed in natural and constant by management, "cultural renaissance ebolitana" faces in the virtual world with a specific site created to make available a container ebolitani of images, texts and news, and entirely dedicated to Eboli, among most important content, an album of historic photos called "classmate."
After just one year into this journey, in 2008, is published the first calendar "Eboli yesterday and today" a collection of contemporary and remote places of Eboli, an important insight for many fans ebolitani by the beauty of their city and historic charm of the shots made over time in most characteristic of Eboli, a lot of work followed in 2009 by the second calendar at Eboli
"Hidden Treasures" to the rediscovery of frescoes in churches and almost unknown.
2009 is the year of the creation account of "cultural renaissance Ebolitana" on social networking site Facebook, a detail that could take little value in the eyes of those who fail to acknowledge the importance and validity of this aspect of communication overall, but, instead, given the flow of contacts and scope of any views, plays a crucial promotional aspect to the city of Eboli and the initiatives of the association! Direct testimony the value of face book are the numerous contacts made since the first week of account creation!
But in 2009, precisely on April 4, it is mainly the year after rehabilitation and the safety of the area, is delivery to the town of Eboli, the archaeological complex "The Kilns" is that, since then, a meeting with the constant ebolitani every Saturday from 9.00 am to 12.00 have a chance to visit the complex and to realize the historical and cultural characteristics of their wonderful city!
In 2010, the usual schedule is published on Eboli "Eboli between history and legend," a collection of prints, drawings and paintings of the age naturally on Eboli.
The current commitment of the "cultural renaissance ebolitana" is the promotion of guided tours to the archaeological complex "furnaces" is not easy to honor a commitment to the end due to lack of funds for such activities, including the prerogatives association, however, there is the dignity of being able to remedy this lack of self-financing with moments like the sale of souvenirs of Eboli and the publication of another book on Eboli, naturally rich in photographic evidence, useful in finance ' updating the website in a new look.
Among the many activities cultural undertaken by the association, is evidence for involvement of citizens and organizational skills, the recent events to promote the area and historical traditions ebolitane. In collaboration with the "Bread and Roses", "cultural renaissance ebolitana" materialized two major nights of aggregation town, the first was the "first party spelled" held in summer at the archaeological site "Le furnaces "and the second, in the same location, was the" feast of herbs!
In both cases, the response of ebolitani was truly remarkable and this confirmed the value and importance of the efforts of all the representatives of the "cultural renaissance ebolitana!

Cosimo Avigliano


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