Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Upset Stomach More Than A Day


"Mount Sinai was covered with smoke, because on it was the Lord descended in fire and its smoke ascended as the smoke of a furnace" (Exodus 19:18). So, as uncomfortable a biblical quotation for a miserable event routine ebolitana? Yet there is everything you want or not want, the parallelism between Mount Sinai and the mountains of Eboli. The same people who burned a few days ago, not by divine inspiration, and the smoke covered the sky did look up to all ebolitani. Burn Eboli. As burned Troy. As burned Carthage. Burn Eboli, but not at the hands of the Greeks. Not even the hand of Rome. Eboli burns at the hands of persons unknown. Burn, hand speculators, probably. Or simply unscrupulous arsonists. Burn, perhaps, for a cigarette butt. God in the Bible is always or almost always, in the flames. If we had arrived on time, the Mountains of Eboli, we would find anything. Christ has never stopped here. Five years ago, among the roots of trees and paths hidden in these mountains, there was the first settlement ebolitano. And 'here that was settled by our ancestors, even before a Roman Municipium. Before anything else. Eboli was born on those mountains.
The damage caused is substantial. Flora and fauna of the mountains ebolitani are compromised for the next fifteen years. But the next day everything seems to be forgotten almost seems evaporation the public interest, a bit 'like that cloud of smoke was disappearing, giving way to the stars. And the silence is the worst defeat. What will we do it will not happen again. And above all, could have been avoided?

Giuseppe Avigliano


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