Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Autoimmune Disorder Of The Soul

I ° FESTIVAL OF FARR - September 2010

A taste of success, tradition and fun.

It was successfully held last August 23 at the archaeological complex of Roman kiln at Eboli (SA), the first edition of the Festival of Farro.
Organized by the associations "Bread and Roses" and "Rebirth Ebolitana", with the Patronage of Eboli, the event was born from the desire to invite the citizens ebolitani and not only to revive the most important places in the history of their city. Re-evaluate and promote the area through gatherings like this is the objective that both associations have set impegnate da anni in questo settore. L’obiettivo, per quanto riguarda questa prima edizione, è stato raggiunto pienamente.
Alle 19:00 numerose persone hanno partecipato alla visita guidata all’interno delle fornaci e alle 21:00 si è aperto il banchetto e si è dato il via alla musica e alle danze.
Un menù a base di farro, alimento molto usato ai tempi dell’antica Roma, che per l’occasione è stato preparato prendendo ispirazione da alcune ricette di Apicio, famoso cuoco dell’Impero Romano. Piatti fondamentalmente molto poveri ma ricchi di sostanze nutritive: Farro all’ortolana, Insalata di Farro con Tonno e Fagioli, Polpette di Farro con Pinoli e Vino e per finire un dolce a base di Spelt flour and chocolate chips all washed down with wine.
To cheer the evening a very special musical training popular: Paranze OF THE VIRGIN OF HENS, Agro Nocerino sarnese historical group that has led to a bit Eboli 'own tradition of setting up, within the archaeological area, a typical tosello devotion to the Madonna of the Hens. In repertory tammurriate and tarantella bells that have been able to involve the audience was delighted with both cooking and music.
closed the curtain, with satisfaction, by the organizers on the first edition, the promise is to return next year with a richer menu, a setting which increases the value of the ancient Roman kilns and set in period costumes, so you can fully immerse themselves in that Eboli was.
But the surprises are not finished, waiting for the next edition there will be other events starting next month. Each initiative will be widely advertised and you can stay updated on the events of "Bread and Roses" and "Rebirth Ebolitana" looking on the popular social network of the moment.
Both associations, supported by a warm audience, proved that good will, commitment and love for their land are the essential elements for a successful evening suggestive as that of the first Festival of Farro.

China Aresu


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