Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Fotos De Pati Manterola

In the night between 11 and 12 April 1926 the Norge airship flying over the North Pole. Umberto Nobile go down in history as the first man to exceed the Pillars of Hercules of the twentieth century. Where no one, even though many of us have tried, failed to arrive. Two years later the company Noble tries again, this time with all Italian media, designed by himself.
Noble's parents are of Eboli. And at Eboli, the young Umberto spent his childhood. E 'on here that keep the best memories. Here are the streets and villages that will always in my heart.
In the warm setting of the cloister of San Francesco, last Wednesday, June 28 we had the good fortune to attend a play wonderfully brave. I use this word - courage - for two reasons, first of all: the theme of the show and its shape. "The Red Tent" by Luigi albert is the story of the airship expedition took place in Italy 1928, and ended in tragedy after the fatal accident which claimed the lives of almost the whole team under General Nobile. Romantic adventure, made of dreams. But above all, a page of history, "a leap forward for mankind." It takes courage to tell the airship Italy, at a time in history when the most romantic adventure - in the legitimate sense of the word - seems to be the invention of Facebook. But the representation is doubly brave, as I said. Because it is a monologue. A long monologue about 90 minutes. And you will be amazed for the duration of the show to the fine choice of words that the author-actor to the attention raises degli spettatori, fra una saggia gestualità ed un lucidissimo ripescaggio di citazioni dantesche.
Una gran bella storia, che vale la pena conoscere. Un plauso va al giovane autore teatrale genovese, che con il suo spettacolo ha ricevuto innumerevoli soddisfazioni ed un tripudio a San Pietroburgo, lo scorso anno.



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