Wednesday, December 8, 2010

How To Fix A Tech Deck


exist, and not just at Eboli Eboli, the activities of human solidarity that comply fully with the principle of essential support to people in need and specific action involving dozens of volunteers with no of no interest! In myriad
Association who flock to the third sector citizen, those that stand in direct support of these practices to a specific number of families are once again those brothers who, from their historic home, the convent of San Pietro Alli Marmi, seem observe the vicissitudes of the city in "Religious" silence, speaking with skill and ease in social activities \\ care addressed to people and realizing with simplicity and respect for what looks like a work of support that so many people, far more "noisy" and much "money hungry", they fail to honor!
A polite and constructive presence has always produced an immense respect and sympathy among ebolitani visible, not surprisingly, there are many volunteers who decide to cross the door of the convent to be useful in the conduct of human charity, as a form temporary support to people living in difficult times, too many "right-thinking" are racing to destroy this very important concept of brotherhood by converting the substance, which is nothing but the principle of being present difficulties in others a spirit of altruism, with a much more vulgar and nasty form of "welfare" that has invaded the field of the third sector for obvious reasons as a pretext for not "getting your hands dirty!
friends Friars, they have never stopped "loving" their neighbors and, therefore, have never faced the problem of analyzing up to the utmost the consequences of their social commitment, on the contrary, in silence and without "pander" no one, politicians in the lead, they continued in their good works, showing, wherever it was needed, that the spirit of solidarity does not need arguments beyond those made con il cuore!
Tra le attività più costruttive ed encomiabili realizzate dai Frati, spicca “ L’Opera della carità”, ovvero, quello che una volta, prima di frazionarsi, era il “Banco alimentare”.
Questa attività è gestita da anni proprio dai frati nel Convento di Eboli, per rendere meglio l’idea dell’importanza che essa ricopre, bisogna rendere noto i “numeri” e fare una giusta introspezione.
Tanto per cominciare, ci piace rendere noto il numero delle famiglie e la quantità di merce destinata a loro; 68 nuclei famigliari, per ben due volte al mese, si dividono, in media, ben 20 quintali di merce, un notevole e massiccio impegno che richiede hard work and passion. In fact, it is also important to stress the unity of volunteers needed to carry out an activity so challenging, starting from the useful means of transport, means "Donato" by a company driver with attached Eboli, meet dozens of figures in this business ... . Volunteers who accompany Gianfranco Between traveling for loading and unloading at the warehouses in Caserta almost always arrive on 5 / 6 units, are responsible for loading and unloading, of course, and they do it with incredible strength and a passion beyond description. The best thing about all this is that the brothers almost always seek to involve young people from difficult realities and environments where the need is always at the gates, in addition to lunch and other small forms of "relief" for the kids is a parcel of packaged foods that they, without any misunderstanding, leading to their homes as a reward for their work .... . an example of how to educate a person to deserve a reward! The second phase of the activity in question is of a logistic nature, must, in fact, select the product and divide it by the families involved! This phase sees the entrance of other volunteers, usually women and the elderly, defined tertiary Franciscans, who attend the convent with the intention of making profits, they are entrusted with the difficult task of allocating equally the goods and to realize food parcel to be delivered to households involved in this operation are 5 / 6 volunteers, who, this time, they receive nothing in return other than the certainty of having done good! Same goes for the other volunteers in the third phase, that of delivery, girls and ladies lend themselves to welcome our brothers and sisters in need by providing them with all the love that can and trying in every way to minimize the moral difficulties of those living situations of hardship and was forced to accept some help!
Well, another wonderful reality of the territory ebolitano that should be stressed more strongly and opposed to the many negativities that plague everyday citizens ... Eboli.
As our basic principle, we try to give maximum visibility to this particular type of intervention, we do so confident that those 15 \\ 20 volunteers and the many friars who stimulate their souls in the works of charity and who are committed to their peers in work that this task requires, have the right to be acknowledged and never feel alone in these activities, we do so because we firmly believe that the importance of men and women capable of all this may be driving much of other things become more visible but which produce a lot less ...
Eboli can only thank the friars of all this, we have left for last question about the "Right" and the convent annual pay for the removal of the goods of the Work of charity .... A sum not quite striking, of course nonsense in front of the quantity of goods to be withdrawn, but which proves, once again, the humility of these men our brothers who, while not getting anything from the institutions, while not asking for any type of fund, devote themselves to bringing others also "his pocket" .... An example of selflessness that so many of us should learn!

Cosimo Avigliano

Good Initiation Ideas

GINO Ciaglia and his stories! - November 2010

And if batman ...

Salerno-Reggio Calabria

Imagine the scene. Traffic
hallucinating: cars, trucks, vans, buses are so spot on an atrium that does not even see the tarmac. What if you get sick you can not miss out of the car, because there is no room to open the door.
In the midst of all 'I'm the casino, there is the Batmobile.
Batman is in, the elbow resting on the open window and resigned his chin on the palm of your hand. He smokes. But where it's going
our Batman?

For me, our superhero has broken and the engine is moving the garage. And well, yes, for once our beloved butler Alfred failed to fix the Batmobile.

And for you dear readers, where it is going our Batman and how he would manage? Exit the traffic?
Continue to write the story and send it to the "Journal of Eboli," or one of my mail - gino.ciaglia @ -

I embrace you!

A special greeting to my dear reader of Piedmont.

Gino Ciaglia

Varicella More Condition_symptoms



We open this article with a premise: we would like to tell you more, but the embarrassing impasse institutions nei nostri confronti, in materia di locali per la creazione, finalmente, di una sede operativa nel Rione Pescara, non ce lo permette!
Ebbene si, sembra davvero una storia senza fine, questa della costante negazione di un luogo fisico dove poter mettere in atto tutte le nostre piccole attività, una brutta storia, intendiamoci, perché continua a far diminuire un impatto sociale nella zona più “disagiata” della città che era stato costruito con fatica e con tanti sacrifici sia temporali che economici!
Gli amministratori non possono e non vogliono capire cosa vuol dire perdere un punto di riferimento per una famiglia in difficoltà in una zona del genere, non possono conoscere gli effetti distruttivi che si ripercuotono on a difficult child, who grew up in a difficult environment when it loses the last of the friendly voices. ... they have to administer, can not and will not cover certain balance!
Meanwhile, for whatever horrendous evil done by the heads of ebolidiva, you continue to deny a district the opportunity to have a person involved in social issues, meanwhile, for whatever unforgivable wrong done to the detriment of some kind of untouchable figure Politically, there continues to deny the right to conduct activities in support of those simple people for whom he fought so hard ... ebolidiva.
We have repeatedly offered the opportunity to report le nostre ragioni per poter comprendere meglio il perché di tale richiesta, ricordiamo che trattasi di uno spazio, anche se piccolo, in una zona dove tutti i locali sono stati messi in vendita dal comune e dove non è possibile nemmeno pagare un affitto, ricordiamo che più volte ebolidiva ha rifiutato destinazioni in altre zone della città perché convinti che se una sede deve essere occupata per il semplice gusto di possederla, meglio starsene a casa propria…..ebolidiva ha chiesto solo di poter avviare un piccolo osservatorio sulle difficoltà di famiglie e minori del Rione Pescara, un piccolo osservatorio senza alcuna pretesa che avrebbe e farebbe leva sull’importante rapporto umano costruito dai responsabili in questi anni con i residenti, children in mind .... An observatory in his small office would make a serious contribution to social services, serving as a filter between services and users, we asked whether increased monitoring in an area too often forgotten ... .. but despite all efforts, despite the willingness to report on our motives, despite the many social problems in the area, despite Eboli has been shown to have an extreme need for social work ... .. continue to deny us the assignment of a small venue in the District Pescara!
In this article we would like to ask why the institutions of this grim .... We would at least know the reasons for this crociata contro una associazione che non ha mai chiesto nulla e che si ripropone di essere null’altro che un soggetto utile alla società…. Ci piacerebbe sapere il perché si continua a voltare la faccia alle nostre richieste, come mai, in materia di assegnazioni, si è sempre avuto “mano larga” e nei confronti di ebolidiva, invece, non si riconosce nemmeno la validità della proposta!
Tutto ciò non fa altro che sminuire il nostro valore, tutto ciò fa perdere forza ad ogni entusiasmo, offende la passione, infanga l’impegno di anni ed anni di puro volontariato….
Ma, soprattutto, tutto ciò penalizza ancora di più tutte quelle persone che da soggetti come ebolidiva, potrebbe draw support and love, the less difficult in my head ... .. a penalty that can only affect the city in a violent way, because a child followed by an association, the statistics say, not us, has a negative impact on the land much less bloody, a minor who is the opportunity to find a friendly voice from home, decides to vent does not adversely by the absence of sentimental value in the family .... A family with serious problems, I always say the statistics, not us, will not feel abandoned at the worst ... because it will have the opportunity to speak to friends who, in the limit of its possibilities, will attempt way to alleviate that feeling of discomfort with all their might!
In short, we would like to ask our institution who have their idea of \u200b\u200bsocial policies ... ... ours is always to offer our support to the poor and the needy people ... this without ever asking a contribution, without requiring access to projects that never we do not compete, never put to the fore the need for any operator to find accommodation for their status of unemployed ... .. only ever asked to work in the most difficult part of the city in a physical place that would allow us to develop our ideas and make constructive .... We asked too much of their ability to analysis?? This time we're sorry, but we regret even more that it can not be helpful to those who need it ... because of those who continue to underestimate us! With administrators, but that's not how you help a city grow!

Cosimo Avigliano

Hiatus Hernia Hong Kong

EBOLITANA cultural renaissance - 1 November 2010

The advent of the association in the world of associations ebolitano Ebolitana cultural renaissance coincides with publication of a book of great depth, "Guide of the old town of Eboli" published in August 2007. That same year, thanks to the passion and love for our city as expressed in natural and constant by management, "cultural renaissance ebolitana" faces in the virtual world with a specific site created to make available a container ebolitani of images, texts and news, and entirely dedicated to Eboli, among most important content, an album of historic photos called "classmate."
After just one year into this journey, in 2008, is published the first calendar "Eboli yesterday and today" a collection of contemporary and remote places of Eboli, an important insight for many fans ebolitani by the beauty of their city and historic charm of the shots made over time in most characteristic of Eboli, a lot of work followed in 2009 by the second calendar at Eboli
"Hidden Treasures" to the rediscovery of frescoes in churches and almost unknown.
2009 is the year of the creation account of "cultural renaissance Ebolitana" on social networking site Facebook, a detail that could take little value in the eyes of those who fail to acknowledge the importance and validity of this aspect of communication overall, but, instead, given the flow of contacts and scope of any views, plays a crucial promotional aspect to the city of Eboli and the initiatives of the association! Direct testimony the value of face book are the numerous contacts made since the first week of account creation!
But in 2009, precisely on April 4, it is mainly the year after rehabilitation and the safety of the area, is delivery to the town of Eboli, the archaeological complex "The Kilns" is that, since then, a meeting with the constant ebolitani every Saturday from 9.00 am to 12.00 have a chance to visit the complex and to realize the historical and cultural characteristics of their wonderful city!
In 2010, the usual schedule is published on Eboli "Eboli between history and legend," a collection of prints, drawings and paintings of the age naturally on Eboli.
The current commitment of the "cultural renaissance ebolitana" is the promotion of guided tours to the archaeological complex "furnaces" is not easy to honor a commitment to the end due to lack of funds for such activities, including the prerogatives association, however, there is the dignity of being able to remedy this lack of self-financing with moments like the sale of souvenirs of Eboli and the publication of another book on Eboli, naturally rich in photographic evidence, useful in finance ' updating the website in a new look.
Among the many activities cultural undertaken by the association, is evidence for involvement of citizens and organizational skills, the recent events to promote the area and historical traditions ebolitane. In collaboration with the "Bread and Roses", "cultural renaissance ebolitana" materialized two major nights of aggregation town, the first was the "first party spelled" held in summer at the archaeological site "Le furnaces "and the second, in the same location, was the" feast of herbs!
In both cases, the response of ebolitani was truly remarkable and this confirmed the value and importance of the efforts of all the representatives of the "cultural renaissance ebolitana!

Cosimo Avigliano

Imagenes De Hannah Montana

FESTIVAL OF HERBS - October 2010

After the success of the first "festival of farro" and numerous requests to return with a new event, it is proposed collaboration between the associations "Bread and Roses" and "Rebirth ebolitana" with a new proposal.
Sponsored by the town of Eboli, the formula of the event was the same as in the previous time! À festival Farro. The aim is to promote and make a place for citizens of the culture ebolitana "LE ROMAN BRICK", re-evaluating flavors at the same time lost over the years.
The menu, which is affected by the scents of our earth, spices and herbs typical of the hills and coasts of Campania, has shown the character "popular" and the spirit of "traditional" event.
To animate and enliven the evening, as happened in the previous festival, "the paranza OF OUR LADY OF THE HEN. Also for the occasion, were called upon to invade the streets of Eboli and the garden of the archaeological complex, with dancing and drumming, "I ALBURNI OF BANDITS. These opportunities
aggregation between citizens and the safeguard of local traditions, can only gather support and sympathy, the efforts produced by associations "Bread and Roses" and "Rebirth ebolitana going in the right direction to bring back in vogue, at Eboli, traditions and ancient customs of our land in the field of taste, flavor and simple joys of group!

Cosimo Avigliano

Birthday Cards Maxine

GINO Ciaglia and its stories - October 2010

I hate the mozzarella!

already in very difficult times do not consume due to their high content of calcium, "I prefer other sports, let alone now that I have to choose the color" Pink "or" Blue "

I opened a pack of two mozzarella contained in the same envelope, then the same liquid. I've eaten a quarter of an hour after opening and the other I put in the refrigerator immediately on a plate and wrapped in cellophane.
The next day I open the fridge and I am the cheese dipped in a deep blue liquid. Hold the cheese in the fridge three days, the blue became deep blue. One particular thing that happened to me is that after that period, I started having a bad inflammation of the lip and gums, and even today I went.

The cause is the bacteria pseudomonas, but it also tries to salmonella.
Produced with little regard for hygiene and often passed off as Italian, although being processed in Germany. The mozzarella
blue represent yet another example of fraud made against food consumers.
Fresh cheeses may have been contaminated by more than one pathogen. Pseudomonas fluorescens, the one that causes the bluish color is the least dangerous, but it is not the only one.
According to laboratory tests carried out throughout Italy, there may be other far more toxic bacteria in the German-Italian mozzarella, such as Salmonella, that all institutes Zooprophylactic are looking for in a seizure.

Discounters involved
mozzarella accused were sold in the best-known retail chains low cost active in Italia: nei discount Lidl, Eurospin e MDdiscount.
I 6 marchi da evitare
Land, Malga Paradiso, Lovilio, le Fattorie Torresina, Mozzarella Ld e Monteverdi: sono i 6 marchi identificati finora tra quelli contaminati, ma l'elenco potrebbe allungarsi.
A comunicarli è stato lo stesso ministro della Salute Ferruccio Fazio con l'indicazione data a i consumatori di non acquistarle qualora le aziende produttrici non avessero già provveduto a ritirarle dal mercato.
E il ministro invita i cittadini a verificare l'etichetta di tutte le mozzarelle comprate per evitare il consumo di quelle provenienti dallo stabilimento sotto accusa: il Milchwerk Jager Gmbh & Co.
Fazio ha anche reso noto di essere in attesa dell'esito dell'ispezione decisa dalla Commissione Europea e dell'elenco completo dei prodotti che sono stati inviati dallo stabilimento in Italia.

La domanda è: quanti Puffi vengono assassinati per produrle?

Gino Ciaglia

Hip Pain From Running


Questo doveva essere solo un breve articolo di richiamo rispetto ad una semplice attività di pura solidarietà svolta dall’associazione Ebolidiva nel pieno rispetto dei suoi principi fondativi e delle sue più esplicite intenzioni…. Questo doveva essere un articolo che raccontava di una associazione che, chiamata in causa da addetti ai lavori, si prestava in modo gratuito e disinteressato, per sollevare delle persone, anche though occasionally, their problems!
Instead, after having ascertained the willingness and passion demonstrated by the two "volunteers" to do the respondents generous service to society and have reflected on their age, their social conditions, the chronic inactivity due to a permanent state of scarcity and economic continuing waiver of ... after a long reflection on the daily injustices suffered by the two moral characters in question, because of their names and some of the errors committed by their namesake, we thought it was fair to give resonance due to their noble gesture, rather than limit all communication intervention carried out! The issue
a young woman, alone with dependent children, its emergence was the company's hasty eviction which had been forced by the city because in the home where he was staying, owned by the municipality, of course, you will have to make an accommodation.
Clearly, the urgency of the eviction mother had put the girl into serious difficulties, its social and economic conditions would not allow her to contact a moving company to rescue his belongings, the pressure of the municipal police created a situation quite annoying ... so, thanks to a municipal employee, a friend of Ebolidiva and sensitive to certain subjects, we were contacted to provide an important aiuto alle operazioni di trasloco! Considerato la fretta e gli impegni degli altri componenti dell’associazione, non sarebbe stato facile realizzare l’intervento, ma la fortuna ed il fondamentale rapporto di amicizia tra il responsabile dell’associazione e molti ragazzi e ragazze del Rione Pescara, permetteva di individuare in due giovani, Orlando Petrillo e Gerardo D’amato, la forza necessaria per portare il sostegno della nostra associazione dove era stato richiesto!
Due giovani capaci di comprendere in pieno, senza se e senza ma, l’importanza dell’intervento, capaci di andare anche oltre ciò che gli era stato richiesto, capaci di non scoraggiarsi di fronte all’assenza di tutte le altre “belle” reality that had acceded to the request, but had never arrived on the scene where he needed a small gesture of solidarity!
Yet, because of their names, these two young men, at Eboli, are constantly discriminated against and habits associated with youth and acts of lawlessness, despite all their efforts to stay away from mistakes, which sometimes are not enough efforts, but are a clear sign of a reaction important than the discomfort in our society which condemned them, abandoning them in a ghetto neighborhood, forgetting them at every opportunity for development, depriving them of employment opportunities .... Despite this, only and exclusively for the names of the "honor" of bring these two young men, along with many others, have not and will never have the opportunity to see recognized a gesture of solidarity that would see other glorified!
One limitation of our society, this certainly favored a bad habit from the mistakes and crimes of some, but that ends up expressing a global condemnation of all those who have specific names that lead back, unfortunately, one size does not always suited to rules of good living and the demands of legality and safety!
Orlandino Petrillo and Gerardo D'amato, two boys simple, humble, two normal people who have demonstrated, over time, to hold a commendable dignity, inner strength is not difficult to find the soul of many boys and girls living in a difficult reality and deviant as a neighborhood abandoned and penalized as the District of Eboli Pescara!
Congratulations to them, therefore, much more than an association that has to be his only merit was always near at all times of their daily life difficult, congratulations to these two young men represented a neighborhood that, though wounded by its many difficulties, the courage and strength to fight and always! Cosimo

Wedding Card Messaages

CTO Matthew RIPA - October 2010

Also this year, at Eboli, you can access free classes for learning divided into several areas that will allow residents and many ebolitani in adjacent areas to have available means and skills to learn new knowledge base or retrieve school years.
This park will be offered excellent opportunities, once again, the old territorial permanent education and training in adulthood. (EDA).
activities will be carried out, as is now happening for years, including within the institution "Matteo Ripa", in Piazza Pietro da Eboli Eboli.
The courses will be aimed at people aged 16 years and up to an age limit is not defined, the certification that those enrolled will be able to obtain the diploma of middle school ol'attestato training credit. To register for a course you will have to ask at the school office Matteo Ripa, to inform young people of Eboli and Country or contact the leaders of the ebolidiva who will care to provide the necessary documentation.
courses to be undertaken are as follows; Welcome and orientation - to fulfill compulsory school Elementary school, Middle school, return to schooling (Evening course surveyor). For the area languages \u200b\u200b- Literacy of the Italian language, Italian for friend (specific language for foreigners), Italian language curriculum., The Easy English, English Language Level I, Level I French Language, Advanced English Language (For English classes, you can achieve certification Trinity). Area Technology-Computer Basics (Operating System and Word), Computer-term (Excel, PowerPoint, Internet, etc.), ECDL Preparation Course, Project @ nut: Information Technology to break down the barriers of communication, addressed to Handicapped people, historical and cultural area, "Eboli it was" local memory! The association
ebolidiva, as strongly supported in previous years, but in 2010 he jumped at the opportunity to advertise in the proper way that business, confident that certain opportunities learning can only do good for our city, we have once again produced hundreds of leaflets and posters distributed in the majority in the district District Pescara to bring in a specific environment, where there is real lack of culture in the school and where percentage of residents lack even the simplest of statements, those which by law should be mandatory, at least the possibility of recovery, and why not, the opportunity to access important courses, such as those on language or on computer.
In the coming days will see the posters that ebolidiva display it in the district, the moderate interest shown by stakeholders in previous years, It encourages us to promote the expansion of the proposal offered by social Permanent Territorial Center, some challenges have to be dealt with as best as possible, so that their validity can be effective in certain societies where proposals are!

Cosimo Avigliano

A. Courses for the fulfillment of compulsory education:

□ □ Primary school Middle school courses in
□ Return (Evening course

B. Area of \u200b\u200blanguages: Literacy
□ Italian language for foreigners

□ Italian for friend (specific language for foreigners)
□ Italian Language I liv. The English
□ □ easy
English Language I liv.

□ French Language I liv. □ English Language
(For English classes, you can achieve certification Trinity)

D. Technological area:
□ Computer Basics (Operating System and Word)
□ Computer Intermediate (Excel, PowerPoint, Internet, etc.)
□ □
ECDL Preparation Course Project @ nut: Information Technology to break down the barriers of communication, addressed to Handicapped people

E. Area historical and cultural
□ "Eboli it was" local memory

Mount Blade Make Money


September 26, 2010 at the Shrine of St. Cosmas and Damian in Eboli, there was the blessing of motorcyclist ogni anno nel calendario del Santuario. L'associazione motociclistica “Eboli 2 ruote” da anni si impegna a far conoscere il nostro territorio da molti appassionati motociclisti provenienti da tutta Italia raggiungendo un grande successo. Eboli è conosciuta da moltissimi moto club d'Italia .Eboli 2 ruote è gemellata con il moto club randagi di Caltanisetta, e con tanti altri moto club sparsi sul territorio. Nonostante gli sforzi, però, la richiesta alle istituzioni per una sede operativa non ha trovato serie risposte, questo rischia di vanificare ulteriormente gli forzi dei soci che ogni anno affrontano sacrifici per il motoraduno città di Eboli, giunto quest'anno alla 7° edizione. La risposta all’evento, del quale “Eboli 2 Wheels "is very fair, has, once again, great satisfaction, motorcyclists from all over Italy for a motorcycle rally that continues to occupy a considerable space in the panorama of Italian motorcycle rallies. These enormous satisfaction, allow the President and members of the Association Cicalese Rosario "Eboli two wheels" look to the future and seize the recent blessing, obtained in the square opposite the shrine of Saints Cosmas and Damian, Sunday, Sept. 26, the stimulation of positive and confidence to continue to aspire to these great results, with few resources and so much heart, so far have managed to achieve!

Cosimo Avigliano

Autoimmune Disorder Of The Soul

I ° FESTIVAL OF FARR - September 2010

A taste of success, tradition and fun.

It was successfully held last August 23 at the archaeological complex of Roman kiln at Eboli (SA), the first edition of the Festival of Farro.
Organized by the associations "Bread and Roses" and "Rebirth Ebolitana", with the Patronage of Eboli, the event was born from the desire to invite the citizens ebolitani and not only to revive the most important places in the history of their city. Re-evaluate and promote the area through gatherings like this is the objective that both associations have set impegnate da anni in questo settore. L’obiettivo, per quanto riguarda questa prima edizione, è stato raggiunto pienamente.
Alle 19:00 numerose persone hanno partecipato alla visita guidata all’interno delle fornaci e alle 21:00 si è aperto il banchetto e si è dato il via alla musica e alle danze.
Un menù a base di farro, alimento molto usato ai tempi dell’antica Roma, che per l’occasione è stato preparato prendendo ispirazione da alcune ricette di Apicio, famoso cuoco dell’Impero Romano. Piatti fondamentalmente molto poveri ma ricchi di sostanze nutritive: Farro all’ortolana, Insalata di Farro con Tonno e Fagioli, Polpette di Farro con Pinoli e Vino e per finire un dolce a base di Spelt flour and chocolate chips all washed down with wine.
To cheer the evening a very special musical training popular: Paranze OF THE VIRGIN OF HENS, Agro Nocerino sarnese historical group that has led to a bit Eboli 'own tradition of setting up, within the archaeological area, a typical tosello devotion to the Madonna of the Hens. In repertory tammurriate and tarantella bells that have been able to involve the audience was delighted with both cooking and music.
closed the curtain, with satisfaction, by the organizers on the first edition, the promise is to return next year with a richer menu, a setting which increases the value of the ancient Roman kilns and set in period costumes, so you can fully immerse themselves in that Eboli was.
But the surprises are not finished, waiting for the next edition there will be other events starting next month. Each initiative will be widely advertised and you can stay updated on the events of "Bread and Roses" and "Rebirth Ebolitana" looking on the popular social network of the moment.
Both associations, supported by a warm audience, proved that good will, commitment and love for their land are the essential elements for a successful evening suggestive as that of the first Festival of Farro.

China Aresu

Company Appreciation Sayings

GINO Ciaglia and his stories! - September 2010

ONE ASSHOLE has run and strontium. DEGREES AND IF YOU, THE GRADUATE is an asshole.

In an Italian hospital two doctors argue.
I know, sounds like the beginning of a joke. Unfortunately
... It's the truth.
"Idiot, if we lost the championship last year, the blame is ..."
"But why, yours is a team!?"
"Doctor, the lady is on the operating table is ready and ..."
"... And wait a minute, I have to give a head to Dr. Michetti"
"But who from the head piece of ..."
The woman is there, lying, who does not believe his ears, but especially in his eyes. In its little womb, is coming to light in a world of hatred and resentment and almost almost second thoughts and come back.
Who would help him see the light, it is instead assassinated.
Okay ', we already knew: the health is not sanctity.

Gino Ciaglia

Wedding Programs Examples Thank You Message


There are real events in the town of Eboli, who can, at times, to disavow the character "gruff" e “introverso” della cittadina in questione e permettono ai più fiduciosi ed appassionati di nutrire ancora delle buone speranze di sviluppo per il proprio territorio!
Eboli ha sempre garantito il suo ottimo contributo nelle tematiche inerenti alle attività sociali del terzo settore, ma non sempre tali attività riescono ad integrarsi costruttivamente con le esigenze del territorio e non sempre il connubio tra istituzioni e soggetti impegnati in attività sociali produce risultati evidenti e visibili!
Una delle ultime eccezioni ha visto protagonista, oltre al comune di Eboli per mezzo del Sindaco Martino Melchionda e dell’assessore alle politiche dell’ambiente, Carmine Magliano, i responsabili, gli operatori e, Above all, the boys temporarily detained detention Institute ebolitano dell'ICATT
On July 6, 2010 at 8:00 am at the town of Eboli Campolongo has initiated the project "Pineta clean", environmental regeneration of the pine forest Ebolitana.
This project wanted by the city of Eboli, the Province of Salerno and Prison Institute ebolitano ICATT
allowed to reclassify the area from the Lido Holiday Campolongo Hospital for a number of safety curtain 4 in the town "prince" of the Plain Sele. For a stretch of about 5.5 km, also has been cleaned after the safety curtain on 1 Red Cottage area Tanagro Foce Sele. With
the work of number 6 inmates temporarily Ebolitano ICATT exercised by councils and by the external Ubaldo De Ruberto for three appointments per week with hours 08:00 to 14:30 has raised nearly 70mc3 \u200b\u200bof junk. (see photo)
The children who participated are Vincenzo Addevico, Massimo Capasso, Massimo Sabarese, John Scannapieco, Pietro Pellegrini and Massimo Esposito who are committed to free every appointment in the pine forest to collect so much material from which: plastic bottles, wet, animal carcasses, even tires Eternit some places .. The garbage collection temporarily held by a painstaking manual labor and was wrapped in sacchi di plastica della ditta SARIM di Eboli la quale ha provveduto con i propri mezzi a raccoglierli giorno per giorno!
I temporaneamente detenuti, forti di questa ennesima dimostrazione di volontà e passione, oltre che di tante altre iniziative importanti, chiedono alle autorità politiche di valorizzare il lavoro svolto e di rispettare tale impegno che per essi è stato un valore educativo ed esemplare per il rispetto di nostra madre Terra .
Per tale iniziativa, è giusto ringraziare l’amministrazione carceraria Ebolitana nella figura della direttrice dott ssa Rita Romano delle Educatrici dell’istituto Icatt dotssa Rosamaria Caleca, Anna Garofalo e della psicologa Teresa Gargano, gli operatori del Comune di Eboli, Civil Protection, the environmental group of the Campania Region, Pizzeria ebolitana Fiordipizza for having ensured the canteen daily, operators dell'ICATT volunteers, the municipal admin istrazione in the persons of Mayor and Councillor environment Carmine Martino Melchionda Magliano, but, above all, a really sincere gratitude, all the boys temporarily detained by ensuring that participated in the project, despite not belonging to the territory in question, an unlimited gift of passion and desire for the town of Eboli and nature!

Cosimo Avigliano - Paul Garofalo

Upset Stomach More Than A Day


"Mount Sinai was covered with smoke, because on it was the Lord descended in fire and its smoke ascended as the smoke of a furnace" (Exodus 19:18). So, as uncomfortable a biblical quotation for a miserable event routine ebolitana? Yet there is everything you want or not want, the parallelism between Mount Sinai and the mountains of Eboli. The same people who burned a few days ago, not by divine inspiration, and the smoke covered the sky did look up to all ebolitani. Burn Eboli. As burned Troy. As burned Carthage. Burn Eboli, but not at the hands of the Greeks. Not even the hand of Rome. Eboli burns at the hands of persons unknown. Burn, hand speculators, probably. Or simply unscrupulous arsonists. Burn, perhaps, for a cigarette butt. God in the Bible is always or almost always, in the flames. If we had arrived on time, the Mountains of Eboli, we would find anything. Christ has never stopped here. Five years ago, among the roots of trees and paths hidden in these mountains, there was the first settlement ebolitano. And 'here that was settled by our ancestors, even before a Roman Municipium. Before anything else. Eboli was born on those mountains.
The damage caused is substantial. Flora and fauna of the mountains ebolitani are compromised for the next fifteen years. But the next day everything seems to be forgotten almost seems evaporation the public interest, a bit 'like that cloud of smoke was disappearing, giving way to the stars. And the silence is the worst defeat. What will we do it will not happen again. And above all, could have been avoided?

Giuseppe Avigliano

What Is A Male Brazilian

ATTACKS FROM THE NET! - September 2010

In this small space we have promised, in keeping with the spirit of the original, and only to highlight only the positive aspects of our society, allowing maximum freedom, of course, provocative columns and, politely, as rebel "the lawyer of lost causes," bulletin board where one of our young people more engaged, Giuseppe Avigliano, analyze and process reflections on topics of interest overall, and never offend or accuse someone and the friendly local actor Gino Myalgia heading, where it is fun to make fun and above all the contradictions of our everyday life!
short, a simple and peaceful, the association ebolidiva, a collaboration that has never created problems for the very kind of responsible "Journal of Eboli, hopefully, and will always emphasize the positive aspects of Eboli appealing to the natural artistic skills, human and professional qualities of its inhabitants!
This time, however, we grant a license, we guarantee it, some will not start a fragment of negativity to be included in our page, the cue is given to us by the continuing attacks by some kind of twisted minds, society ebolitana in a whole new dimension and, therefore, difficult to manage!
The stage is a very famous social network fecebook, a platform on the net from a few years, but he did breeze in the heart of so many people at Eboli has experienced a real "high jump" of Facebook, a phenomenon undoubtedly due to the low range of activities that the city continues to suffer and to too many hours spent by ebolitani, including us, of course, in front of a screen! The problem is that for some 'time were born of real groups of "terrorists" of the network, to begin a new era of social upheaval, at least that support them, have begun to create fake accounts with the sole intention to offend and mock ebolitano any medium is present in network, Facebook, relying on physical appearance, aesthetics, on political or sexual orientation and human and also coming to move serious charges of any kind, without ever giving the opportunity to the injured party, to defend himself!
Our doubts about this new technique of social rebellion, are based on the actual danger, as compared to the feelings of others, that these attacks hide.
The network, especially if they lived on a social networking becomes a great place where everyone can read and see the evolution of the life of another, a place where you can easily retrieve information without ever having to look for and where a person can be attributed to things not really committed and guilt never really deserve!
Moreover, in this great square there can be bitter against anyone, by leveraging its greatest difficulties. ... Aesthetics, appearance, various guidelines, etc., etc!
Ebolidiva with this article, wants to declare themselves against this type of "targeted" cowardly, of attacks on companies that are considered destructive and meaningless, created by unknown individuals who exploit the network to make "war" to their fellow citizens, unable to fulfill the responsibilities of a criticism that at times may also have the content of justice and truth, but it loses value when it becomes real fury against the less " guilty "of the social situation of the city and the people!

Cosimo Avigliano

How To Sign A Wedding Card

GINO Ciaglia and its stories - August 2010

can happen to anyone

Yesterday I phoned the clerk of a debt collection company on behalf of Sky.
tells me that it is delinquent in September 2009.
I wonder why.
I say that from the April 4 Last year I left my house and there I have returned. Case
earthquake. The decoder sky lies crushed under the weight of a wall collapsed.
then apologizes and says he will do what I have said this to the proper authorities.
Then, thoughtful, asking me if now, after a year, everything is fine. And I
salt lump in the throat. Then he asked me to tell what is my city now.
And I do.
The story of the old garrison.
The story that I can not go to my house whenever I want. The story, however, the thieves go there undisturbed. The story of the buildings left there to die. The story of the money that we do not have to rebuild. And there are not to help us survive. The story, from July 1, will return to pay taxes and contributions, even if we do not work. The story that we will pay the the. Us and mortgages on destroyed homes. It will share regular payments on loans. Even for those who have nothing. That, in July, an earthquake with a gross salary of € 2000 will see payroll of € 734 net pay. That not only come back to pay taxes, but will return immediately all those not paid by April 6. That the state does not pay the homeless people who manage themselves well twenty-seven thousand, even that small contribution of 200 Euros per month which should help them pay rent. That rents have tripled. Without any control. Che io pago ,in un paesino di cinquecento anime, quanto Bertolaso pagava
per un appartamento in via Giulia, a Roma.
La sento respirare pesantemente.
Le parlo dei nuovi quartieri costruiti a prezzi di residenze di lusso.
Le racconto la vita delle persone che abitano lì. Come in alveari senz'anima. Senza neanche un giornalaio. O un bar. Le racconto degli anziani che sono stati sradicati dalla loro terra. Lontani chilometri e chilometri. Le racconto dei professionisti che sono andati via. Delle iscrizioni alle
scuole superiori in netto calo. Le racconto di una città che muore.
E lei mi risponde, con la voce che le trema.
“Non è possibile che non si sappia niente di tutto questo. Non potete restare così. Call the television journalists. You have to tell him. Call the press. They have to write it. "

Gino Ciaglia

Where To Get Cheqp Scooter Wheels

EBOLIDIVA the Giffoni Film Festival 2010 - THE DREAM REPEATS ITSELF! - August 2010

ebolidiva This year the association has participated in the event that every year involves thousands and thousands of kids and children of all parties the world, or the Giffoni Film Festival!
An experience that our organization is able to live each year at least for one week, one of the milestones in the activities of ebolidiva who believes very much in this very important meeting to offer its students, mostly children of the district fisheries Eboli, the opportunity to escape from daily life consisting of blank and negative influences and let it explode inside if the magic of an event for 40 years creating unforgettable emotions to young people and adults who are fascinated by the beauty of a smile!
A witness from the positivity of the proposed ebolidiva there are numbers that, year after year, become increasingly important and visible, a stand-alone guide for an activity that has never asked for and received no external contribution to the resources of its own responsible Association ... an important choice to emphasize the lack of interest other than the absolute will to ensure that children affected by brief moments of joy, joy, reflection and escape from the usual canons of entertainment!
Returning to the numbers, we can mention a few to give an idea of \u200b\u200bhow important this activity: more than twenty children \\ ee guys \\, and not having a vehicle that would allow us to bring them all together we had to take a bit 'time, but with a little more effort we were able to accomplish even this other "enterprise", over 1200 images taken primarily by the users to make better use of their point of view with respect to the environment in which they related, Over 1 hour of video posted on the web on traditional channels (you Touba, facebook and website, over 50 hours presents to children on the streets of Giffoni, logistics or any requirement of simple momentary desire guaranteed to children to reinforce their leading role in a momentary fit of all, over 20 hours of computer work to process all the pictures and video and put them on the net .... , Three operators working all week with the manager ebolidiva to ensure that children and families from the obvious safety standards ... In short, a very interesting experience for children and young people of the district Pescara once again found themselves in an environment nothing short of fantastic! Some were already present in previous years, others had their first experience, others have not had fortunate to be involved. ... Many children have asked us to repeat this experience, but a week can hardly be enough to give to all that wonderful feeling that the more fortunate were able to live to the fullest!
The hope is that one will, in the near future, to have the opportunity to capacity with more than half of the responsible self, that next year we will have a vehicle that allows us to be more equitable in the selection of minors, a rule, this is difficult to balance when they have not suitable instruments and means the number of people involved!
Giffoni, for our association, this year was a unforgettable experience, this was the first experience as an operator for some of us .... We must emphasize the important particular of the origins of residence of all of us who have grown up and live in the District Pescara, a fact not unimportant because it provides an understanding of children involved in and their many problems to say the least complete!
For next year we hope to be grown as an association and can accommodate a larger number of children who are asking us to live the Giffoni Film Festival for a period much longer than we have been able to give him!

Gianluca Carratù

Every Shark Biggest To Littlest

EBURUM FROM A .... EBOLIIDIVA! - August 2010

could not fail in its 21st edition, the presence of our association through the alleys of the old town in what appears to be the main event of our city, "by Eburum at Eboli"!
a presence to ebolidiva, which was notable for the two faces that this experience has produced, that the satisfaction of having produced a social representation involving many local third sector, and the least happy of isolation experienced by all ' allocation of space in one of the least popular of the old town!
Chronicle of Tuesday, July 13 tastes made less sweet tasty too many difficulties on the day of performance, the time is not conducive to their presence in a more public and the whims of some children who had a football game to be played, have slowed somewhat the importance of the event, event that every concept has, however, materialized views expressed in the text masterfully played by the talented Cristina De Lucia, given that, despite the difficulties, the hypothetical wall that each person listed in the associative mechanisms aimed at less fortunate groups in society, just as most important during representation, it is still standing, built by the hands of those innocent children that up to one hour before the show had not been able to complete the construction!
A unique magic, that lived on stage by the organizers, something wonderful and unique that only those who live in contact with certain realities can be appreciated!
Another important objective achieved by the representation is the collaboration between actors involved in the topics of the third sector .. ebolidiva well as, in fact, were the players association "Spes Unica" Gerardo Source and Francesco Cozza, volunteers ICAT Eboli Paolo Pino Pink and Turkish, the operator of the Community's roads Emmanuel Angelo Coscia, the beautiful and talented interpreter Cristina De Lucia, the recording studio "Tomato" with the sweetest of notes created by Cristian Peduto and Vincent Marzullo, operators Ebolidiva Orlando and Anna Petrillo Petrillo, and talented actors, the children of the District Pescara! In
array of partnerships, we can not forget the town of Eboli, through the office culture and workshop Koinè who kindly made available to the appropriate spaces at C2O to allow the evidence.
results were worth far less satisfactory management of the space allocated for the entire event to ebolidiva in synergy with the neighborhood committee "District Pescara, a real flop caused by the absence of the public in the area, a brutal experience cost time and money to the two representatives of the entities involved. ... Without turning on any sterile polemics, both ebolidiva that the "neighborhood committees District Pescara" It is hoped that in future editions of the event we can have a visibility and a much more favorable position to avoid a foreign body to feel even Eburum! Cosimo

Fotos De Pati Manterola

In the night between 11 and 12 April 1926 the Norge airship flying over the North Pole. Umberto Nobile go down in history as the first man to exceed the Pillars of Hercules of the twentieth century. Where no one, even though many of us have tried, failed to arrive. Two years later the company Noble tries again, this time with all Italian media, designed by himself.
Noble's parents are of Eboli. And at Eboli, the young Umberto spent his childhood. E 'on here that keep the best memories. Here are the streets and villages that will always in my heart.
In the warm setting of the cloister of San Francesco, last Wednesday, June 28 we had the good fortune to attend a play wonderfully brave. I use this word - courage - for two reasons, first of all: the theme of the show and its shape. "The Red Tent" by Luigi albert is the story of the airship expedition took place in Italy 1928, and ended in tragedy after the fatal accident which claimed the lives of almost the whole team under General Nobile. Romantic adventure, made of dreams. But above all, a page of history, "a leap forward for mankind." It takes courage to tell the airship Italy, at a time in history when the most romantic adventure - in the legitimate sense of the word - seems to be the invention of Facebook. But the representation is doubly brave, as I said. Because it is a monologue. A long monologue about 90 minutes. And you will be amazed for the duration of the show to the fine choice of words that the author-actor to the attention raises degli spettatori, fra una saggia gestualità ed un lucidissimo ripescaggio di citazioni dantesche.
Una gran bella storia, che vale la pena conoscere. Un plauso va al giovane autore teatrale genovese, che con il suo spettacolo ha ricevuto innumerevoli soddisfazioni ed un tripudio a San Pietroburgo, lo scorso anno.


Marine Corp Motor Cycle Helmet

THE RED TENT AND HOPE '... the last to die. August 2010

Sembra quasi che non abbia fine la ricerca disperata di una “casa” per l’associazione ebolidiva, le strade percorse per arrivare a questo indispensabile traguardo sono state lunghe ed interminabili, abbiamo anteposto sempre e comunque le esigenze sociali e mai quelle personali, abbiamo rifiutato collocazioni diverse rispetto al quartiere dove operiamo da lungo time because it would not be "honest" occupy spaces not suited to our main job, that inherent to the third sector and social policies of our country!
Two other meetings are added to the long list of contacts on for raising the institutions on this important turning point that we can only get through the allocation of a physical place where you activate a permanent observatory on the social problems of children and families in the District Pescara, two meetings important with the highest offices in the town of Eboli, hoping that these efforts should not be undermined and even these words, hoping that we can give faith and credit to an association that now from two years working and committed to Eboli and its immense human and cultural!
am looking forward to be taken at least the promise of addressing the question ... ..

Cosimo Avigliano

Monday, October 11, 2010

Costs Of Temporary Permit Ohio

I'm back!

Ciao a tutti dopo parecchio tempo eccomi here again to greet you ....

finally know the winners of the Nobel prizes spt Medicine, Physics and Chemistry :-))
that my mom today ... giornatina Buonanotteeeeeeeeee

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Is Luiviton Usa Sizes


"The concept of gag and information is something difficult to define" He said a friend of mine, a few days ago. It 'hard to define where the gag begins and ends the information. It 'difficult to distinguish the gray areas, and red, high risk. The truth is a bit 'all prefer to talk about anything else. The economic situation of workers of Pomigliano D'Arco, environmental disasters that threaten our health. We would like to start talking about a different society. We would overturn this state of things, this frantic apathy that pervades Italy far too long. Yet we are immersed, for weeks, in endless debate that occupies the front pages of newspapers and conversations in front of the bar: the wiretaps. The message from the leader is clear, obvious: No more rompeteci the balls. Let strafogare the rubble of Abruzzo. Let us convert Palazzo Grazioli in a brothel. Let us do business! In short, just the newspapers that make inquiries. Indeed, those who try risking jail. For three years. Banned journalists. Ban's brave publishers. Ban, alas, the truth.
The other morning, in absolute silence, Eboli was awakened with a huge gag over her mouth. Anyone who is found walking the streets of downtown, last Wednesday, June 23, he could see the lions in Piazza della Repubblica gagged. The same war memorial and all the busts in the city, Matteo Ripa Carmine Calo, up to Carlo Levi had a gag over her mouth. A strong message. Which unfortunately has not had the effect it deserved, nor among the population, or in local newspapers. However, we like to think that Eboli can share something good, proactive, putting an emphasis on the vileness of the cultural politicians in the government. And this message must start with young people. Lest there never sleazy attempts to silence the truth.
Giuseppe Avigliano

Free Do It Yourself Dune Buggy


Once again, the passion has been able to produce results, a passion beyond description, one that binds years Armando Cicalese, Marco Forlenza ebolitani and many others to the fate of national football. At first, the commitment of these supporters veracei represented a source of pride and honor for every ebolitano who could not bear the shame of failure, which was already well under way, they recognized the merits of these our fellow citizens without advancing any doubt of the positive Sulola their actions, with this initial push these men have been able to raise the sails and too many results achieved with great difficulty, their perseverance, today, has allowed to become protagonist Eboli, football, with Italy winning the Amateur Cup regional and, especially, with yet another promotion in D series, category, not just excellent, but it makes far more honorable eburina dignity and honor of the team so well over the crest of the city proper.
Yet even these are disputed ebolitani wonderful things, de-legitimize their efforts, kicking the courage to embrace the cross that caused so much fuss!
Ebolidiva has in its characteristics to that type of recognition ebolitani of that well represent their city, according to this, we could not excuse ourselves by honor the work of Armando Cicalese, Marco Forlenza and all the other wonderful fellow with a simple tribute represented by this article, and especially from a video posted on You Toub and site, where all the portraits are the best moments of the final game played June 13 at the Stadio Dirceu and those of the final party at the Republic Square on June 15. A true and sincere note of gratitude for these people who continue to give their best in the industry that's more responsible and have always ensured and will ensure dignity and respect in football town. Thank you very much by the association ebolidiva! Cosimo

Broken Capillaries On The Lip

Ciaglia and stories

Milan, June 21.
discharges of the building malfunctioned a few days and nobody knew why.
whole 'guilt' of a ball python more than a meter, which was stuck in the pipes of the building in Via Ungaretti, near Fourth Oggiaro, a neighborhood on the outskirts of Milan.
Some condominiums have seen peeping into the toilet at home, and immediately taken to the hunt serpent, instead of calling the ENPA, someone has seen fit to be discharged into the plumbing of the acid, groped for the kill. Fortunately, the suppression of attempts have failed and the reptile was recovered by the men of The Animal Protection and a plumber, who have extracted from the exhaust pipes. The news of the sighting of a probable and unidentified snake in the building turned to day: the intervention of the ENPI has blocked the 'hunt for the reptile' via hydraulic fluid. Have not yet been clarified how the animal arrived in the toilet block. The most plausible hypothesis is that someone, to get rid of it, has decided to throw it down the drain, but the snake managed to survive.

If a snake will come out of the toilet, please call the 02/97064220.

Gino Ciaglia