Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Place To Cruise Gay Dc

Brushes are easy to find but expensive? Make Up Holic

Finally I got the various packages that I had lost half of Europe, a common feature of all ... the presence Brush! Joy and pain for all of us, the brushes are a thorny issue.
If readily available, are expensive as sin, or bad ... if not both.
online ... If you bought a lottery.
My history with the brushes was tragicomic, as I believe that many noobs Clio wanna-be. I had always arranged with what was, with the applications (which I hate!) Located within the slices, with the mini spugnettine, fingers ...
by an amateur, I tried to get by as best I could to get the Brush Discrete, without having to make journeys of hope for them, and if possible, without spending too much money ...

I was still piccolletta and I travel to Genoa and Milan go shopping, when I stand in the old Rinascente of Make Up Forever ... Love at first sight, of course, and immediately became the happy owner Aquarelle of 5 (which I still, and still work very well, to timeless as the color, odor, texture). I have no idea how they are in possession, because I was too ignorant to know what was the MAC. But my first brush was the MAC 210 , that little small for liquid eyeliner, the method I use watercolor and my unbridled passion. My concept of leaving home "make-up" includes black eyeliner, black kohl, black mascara. Without not even mentioned to put the bill out the door. At the time I had paid, I'm pretty sure because it seemed madness, between 12 and 15 000 pounds (he was fifteen years ago ... let's not for tax Metallica rolled and still had hair on his head ...) . The watercolors were not less brave with their 16 thousand pounds a bottle, ... money well spent, definitely.
Nothing to say about this brush, after more than a decade of honorable service in the pay of an inability which does not even have the basics for good maintenance of the object in question ... it's perfect. Could almost pass for new, and it is not my doing. Rating: 10 + + +, more praise for the skill of survival.
The rest of my brushes are less than two years, and now falls within humanity as possible.
Did you have an eye shadow brush for the Body Shop's Colourings, he heroically survived more than a decade in my hand, treated worse as I could, and he is still in good shape, he deserves praise for its current condition, but not being more available in any form, omit. Also in the wake of Clio (not saying atrocities, we do it all), I was infected by one of his very first video in which he spoke, perhaps for the first time, the mineral foundation (which I thought at the time not even exist) and the various brushes , I think it was known that the offending video is worth the wrath of those who tried the tutorial on brushes in photoshop. What is mineral powder funds inspired me a lot, having a very special leather. Sensitive as sandpaper, allergic to anything, and tolerant to any crap decides to put me in the face or eyes, I find that beautiful skin type a bit 'dry and a bit' grassa, possibilmente contemporaneamente (ora che la sto curando un po’ meglio, anche la situazione è molto migliorata), però i fondi liquidi mi han sempre dato problemi di antiestetiche pellicine attorno a naso e bocca e zone lucide sopra il naso e sotto gli occhi. Quindi… via al minerale, economico ovviamente. Per provare ho seguito il consiglio del video, prendere quello della Wet‘n Wild. Mi pareva strano, ma 4 euro ce li potevo buttare… Resta a tutt’oggi uno dei miei preferiti in assoluto. Problema.. come lo metto? Risposta (ahimè): andiamo da Kiko . Kiko fa molte cose buone, ma con i pennelli… proprio ha fatto un fiasco colossale.
Presa dall’ebrezza del “facciamo le cose fiche, usiamo i pennelli” nel giro di 6 mesi circa mi son presa lo stretto indispensabile. (lo so che i pennelli nelle foto sono luridi, li ho usati da poco e non ho avuto il tempo di lavarli, ma almeno si vede che li uso e che parlo per esperienza e non a vanvera)
-           Face 102 (15,90 Euro): pennellone grande, appiattito, nella mia estrema ignoranza l’ho usato come fosse un kabuki. Onestamente il suo dovere in setting up the fund mineral did. It 'was my first brush face absolute and without knowledge of any kind, I am not ever complain. Until you've tried other things.
- Face 103 (11.90 euros): blush brush, I often used instead of the previous even for the mineral fund, because I was better being smaller.
Form: good, but the cutting plate 102 makes it uncomfortable for the face, too wide, the better the classics Pennellone round.
Bill: good, have not ever lost a hair, in spite of frequent cleaning, the bristles are black, but never lost their color. Handles comfortable, well finished, with their plastic protection.
and end benefits.
bristles are tough, hard, passing them on the face dan very annoying. As if they were dry and stringy. Not to mention the times that pass near or below the eyes ...
E for 16 and 12 euro? Joke ... just too expensive for the quality of that show, especially those across the street to Sephora, a price that we are there there, but the quality is undoubtedly millemila alloys.
- Eye Crease Brush (I think is no longer, is black, and must be the brother of the Paleolithic of the 200 white). Well, I do not complain, I paid € 3 discount outlet. The white brother now costs 9.90 Euro. A ciofeche unclean. Good workmanship, we lose hair, does not lose color. The bristles are hard as the wire ... and break. They leave their long pieces about 5 mm on the face in spite of the best I could have kept ... Ok, not true not even 3 Euro ... I gave him is also very large and use the eye (even if it was not painful because of the hardness of the bristles) is difficult. I lay the foundation for recycled mineral or mineral concealer under the eye (with caution, it hurts a lot ...), because it is much easier to form the shape of my face. Vote? Mhe .. € 3 for we are, more, do not talk.
- Eyes 204 (Precision Eye Brush, 9.90 Euro): the brush diagonal flat. My love of the brush! Gorgeous, really. I really like this. Good workmanship, smooth and soft bristles, stiff enough to use it to make lines of any kind, not soft enough to be unpleasant. I use it dry, wet, powder, mousse, cream eye shadows, with the cream of the aqua mufe for powder eyebrow and products in cream for the eyebrows ... excellent results, very accurate and handy. He deserves all the money we have given, maybe even a little more. The full range Kiko is the top (and also one of two that unless ...)
- Eyes 203 (flat brush face and eyes 9.90 euro). 'S the classic flat brush bristles Conle orange from the bottom in cream or liquid concealer ... With long nails apply concealer is a tragedy, and if you realize it only after you have made of stilettos long as the claws of Wolverine ... it is a problem. What to do? Like a good Genoese Sephora is expensive and is Kiko. The MAC is out of reach ... well ... not comment on whether those are hard on the eyes, imagine that. It is not used well with the correction, too hard, are the marks of the brush ... no no no.
- Lip Brush (not find it anymore on the site, then this should also be a historical artifact.) Same bristles 204, good, does his duty. The retractable or not fitted cap is a flaw, but I see that now it is, then let him to prehistoric times.
Last Kiko brush I own, which I'll discuss more after comparing it with others of the same type, is the famous duo-fiber that has crazed all. And with good reason.
- Face 106 (brush round for foundation, 12.90 Euro): the black bristles have the same defect of black bristles of former, hard and scratchy, but for the conformation of the brush bristles and the best quality of light, the brush is entirely his work just fine , extends well be produced in compact cream is excellent with mousse mousse like the Soft Touch of Essence (a few euro, the better result). And 'the particular form of the type of brush that makes it great for this kind of work ... I have tried other duo fiber, much better than this, and even cheaper, but overall this is not bad, especially thinking of the MAC costs Euro 50, and Sephora does not, leaving the only readily available without buying online.
The result is that Kiko brushes are too expensive and quality is too low to be competitive with those Sephora, which are the same price (slightly more expensive) but aesthetically more beautiful, more soft, special forms to allow for more precise work. The reason why I have a few brushes Sephora is essentially one: the ELF Studio. I tried Sephora:
- Smudge Shadow estompeur 206 (I have two, one of which is devoted exclusively to black, excessive use of which I am) because I did not find brushes at the shape of this brush to apply and blend the color well below the eye and near the waterline. It 'great for dark colors and minimize the dust falls on her face, that when you put your black and you want a very intense, I'm a drama. Precise, beautiful, well made, soft bristles, it does not lose color hair, is like new after countless washings. Rated 10 + + + despite its low price does not, on the € 15.12 I think. But that is all there.

- 46, concealer, anti cernes. I had to replace that of Kiko, since my ability to nail Edward Scissorhands-style continues. And on this, nothing to say. Soft, well done, apply the product very well without being annoying. Price around 12 euro too. Excellent ... excellent

I said ELF before? These brushes are wonderful .... And as I thought good to 2011 get across the line by the end of the study.
start by saying that the ELF is cheap, but so much. It has two lines of brushes, are those of the baseline with the white handle, bristle color ... uh, mole?
Advantages: they are very cheap, costing 1.70 EUR all (very little). They have many different forms of quality brushes for multiple uses.
Disadvantages: can be bought only online. They lose a few hairs, but nothing drastic, cutting is not accurate to the millimeter
discrete Son, do their work so good, fairly soft (compared to kiko are soft as a feather). For the price they are great!

Studio Line: They are all blacks, bristles and handle. They cost a bit 'more, € 4 each (still a very low price). There are special forms (including a duo fiber ... from 4 Euro !!!). are soft! Brushes are wonderful.
First note on: Two of the brushes in this line, are not found in other economic lines:
- Stipple brush (the duo fiber). Soft, soft, well done, apply the product which is a creamy delight without leaving marks. If you count that other brushes of this type are found only in very non-economic lines (the MAC 187, the Sigma ... F15) this brush is a godsend to have in our kit cheaply just like this particular product. I do not have the Sigma, but as value for money is unbeatable among Kiko, MAC and ELF.
- Powder Brush (the one with the flat cut). Too soft, has a shape that is comfortable for mineral foundation, much better than the traditional kabuki. Again, this is a 4 Euro head and shoulders above most of the brush around. He bristles dense, lets you put the dust spread out carefully. Excellent and especially too.
Other Elf Studio that I have are the "C" brush, brush the countour, the small smudge brush el'angled contour brush. All 4-Euro, very soft, lint, do not break the bristles are made well and forms a little 'details that are not exactly easy to find in stores Italian citizens. Passed with flying colors, they are my favorite.
last arrivals are a travel set of MAC . I did not brush for liquid foundation and the temptation was too great to have a 187. I know that issues of travel MAC not have anything to do with the regular series, but worth a test, especially considering the price. I wanted to throw myself on the set of The Tartan with the 187SE, but the rest of the set of brushes I did not need, so I opted for the set "adoring Carmine, face brush set," I would not say bullshit, but I think it goes back to Christmas 2008. The complete set includes 4 brushes and two red bags. Paid less than all 30 Euro.
-           168SE
-           190SE
-           194SE

I can not make comparisons with those in the regular edition, I'm sure they are of inferior quality, have also seen their cost significantly less. The quality is still very high, and their particular color I really like a lot.
The 194SE is largely one level than the other two brushes for concealer in my possession (Kiko and Sephora).
The only comparison I can make is between the three duo fiber in my possession: MAC 187SE, KIKO and ELF. MAC and ELF are similar to the result of drafting, good for both. What is MAC with a short neck, long one of the ELF. The fiber density is similar between MAC and ELF, slightly thinner than Kiko. The black bristles of Kiko are bad, the black of the MAC and the ELF softest. Kiko and the MAC have shorter black bristles ELF, which it presents a smaller difference between white and black. The ELF to the touch, while soft as the MAC, I do not know how to explain but you feel it is nylon ... Unlike the MAC, I do not know what kind of bristles are, but they are more "hot" to touch.
Without taking into account the cost:
1.MAC - 2.ELF (almost a dead heat) - 3.KIKO (very far from the first two)
If you take into account the cost, resta l’ELF sopra tutti.

Ho sentito parlare molto bene dei pennelli di Zoeva , che proverò sicuramente non appena possibile, anche questi però sono reperibili solo online.
I Fraulein 38 non li proverò mai. Ho avuto pessime esperienze con il materiale da ricostruzione per le unghie (nulla di complicato, pure le decorazioni per la nail art come glitterini e brillantini fanno schifo), quindi non credo che i avventurerò mai nel comprare nulla da loro.
Sogno di notte il Kabuki nero della Make Up Forever , ma i suoi quasi 40 euro di prezzo lo rendono una spesa folle che non farò mai...

Ultima parolina vorrei spenderla per una mia personale fixation: the brush, powder / blush / did not understand the ESSENCE . Cost 3 euros and something (I 3.60) are the short handle, and are very soft ... really a delusion. They are so soft that maybe I am too, powder and blush. But they are adorable. I use them for HD MUFE powder (or the poor sister of Kiko, the invisible powder, which is in fact a copy successful even if it has the same durability of the HD), and seems made ... Costan very little and are great! If you happen to give it a chance!


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