Friday, March 4, 2011

Different Types Of Church Services

miraculous water for the airframe, the business

In this post I will not mention the name of the water never tested because he is a registered trademark of the market in Japan. Because of its benefits "convincing" is been recognized worldwide. After Asia, Australia and the United States now continues his triumphal procession in Europe especially in Germany and Italy, finding more and more confident and happy members. I prefer to go to an association for consumers and do this all my comments. Good reading.

In all living systems, the adjustment of exchange of substances occurs due to water level of each cellula.Se the water content in the cell drops below 50% will paralyze the vital processes, often in an irreversible manner; Insufficient intake of water can cause an accumulation of toxic substances that would be partially ejected. For example, age advanced into the habit of drinking a little, it provides the pressure rise of sugar and cholesterol in the vessels, which become less elastic and you get the disease (diabetes, hypertension, dyslipidemia). acquadipendente Each cell is: it is therefore very important the role of water.
recently on the web is doing a lot of discussion about a particular water considered "healthy" and "healing." The fact that water can be "miraculous" makes me very skeptical because often the information that comes to people through media are sometimes superficial and subtly biased for this reason I went to retrieve all the scientific articles published exclusively on peer review (fidarsi è bene ma non fidarsi è meglio) che ho trovato nella banca dati del sistema medico lombardo SBBL.
Sul sito del sistema filtrante ho trovato queste informazioni: [...] è ricca di antiossidanti, aiuta il corpo a eliminare le tossine e a dimagrire in modo tonico e naturale. Inoltre, funziona come prevenzione antiage, stabilizzando la temperatura del corpo e neutralizzando i radicali liberi». <<Ha la straordinaria proprietà di drenare, lavare, e purificare il corpo dai rifiuti mettendo a disposizione dell'uomo più ossigeno ed energia>>  «Negli ospedali giapponesi viene fatta bere ai pazienti soggetti alla chemioterapia per rinforzare il loro sistema immunitario, but scientific studies show that it can also prevent heart attack and stroke. " Finally, this device has the advantage of being environment friendly, environmentally-friendly in that it recycles the water directly from the tap, eliminating the problem of piles of plastic!
So I did research to see if reported on the site matches the true, go to order:
1 - E 'rich in antioxidants and has anti-aging power:
Antioxidants are used to inhibit the formation of free radicals are radical elements liberi.I Toxic generated by normal body processes, stress from poor diet, toxins in the environment and much more.
In 1982, the researcher Patrick Flanagan discovered a new form of colloidal silica in water to drink from a glacier Hunza people of northern Pakistan, a nation renowned for its health and longevità.Flanagan turns out that this water is present in silica and hydrogen atoms modified to include a additional free electron, easily transferable to neutralize the radicals liberi.Poiché hydrogen has one electron in a stable form, is unable to become a free radical when it loses its extra electron. Just Flanagan in 1990 discovered the presence of hydrogen ions or negatively charged hydride in 'water' Hunza. " He argued that these ions act as powerful antioxidants. Clinical studies
in merito a idruro di silice sono stati pubblicati in riviste peer review, una di questi per esempio è stato pubblicato su  l'International Journal of Hydrogen Energy Volume 29, Issue 5, April 2004, Pages 459-464   (impact factor:3.945)
Ma se sono stati pubblicati tutti questi studi scientifici come mai la tossina botulinica di tipo A, dove gli effetti collaterali del post-intervento possono essere: nausea, gonfiori, infiammazione ed ecchimosi non è ancora stata sostituita dall'acqua miracolosa?!?!??!?Perchè la chirurgia estetica non è stata ancora oltrepassata dall'uso di questa acqua che è un metodo di "cura" non invasivo e decisamente più economico???Chimicamente parlando è vero ogni singolo meccanismo d'azione dell'iduro di silice, queste piccole reazioni possono rallentare dal punto di vista infinitesimale la nostra vecchiaia ma, sicuramente non rappresenterà mai un valido sistema antiage!!!!!!!!!!!
2-Stabilizza la temperatura, drena, lava il corpo:
L'acqua è per sua natura un solvente, ha la funzione di trasportare i principi nutritivi in tutte le cellule, di promuovere la digestione, di garantire la termoregolazione (attraverso anche minime sudorazioni), di trasportare le scorie fuori dal nostro organismo. Credo che questo dato sia assodato già dagli studi di biologia delle scuole medie e non ha bisogno di particolari spiegazioni ma  tutte le acque svolgono questo compito: than tap water, the bottled, filtered so that ... then these points I would say that water is the other ....
3 - environment friendly:
This point seems obvious enough: this' water would reduce the footprint on the environment by removing several plastic bottles. But I also want to point out that even the simplest of tap water to slightly alkaline pH than all the issues listed above and is much cheaper and more convenient ...
4-In Japanese hospitals Drinking Kangen water is made to patients subject to chemotherapy !!!!!!
Frankly I did not find any clinical trials to treat a terminally ill cancer patient with water containing silica hydride Otto !!!!!!!!!! HeinrichWarburg-doctor has found the true cause of cancer in 1923 and received the Nobel Prize in 1931. Dr Warburg was director of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute (now Max Planck Institute) for cell physiology Berlino.Nella in his work The metabolism of tumors, has shown that all forms of cancer are characterized by two basic conditions: acidosis and hypoxia ( lack of oxygen). Lack of oxygen and acidosis are two sides of same coin: if you have one, you have the other.
"All normal cells have an absolute need for oxygen, but cancer cells can live without oxygen." "Depriving a cell of 35% of its oxygen for 48 hours can become cancerous."
From what we wrote above state (but not with too much certainty) that the filtered water may reduce the likelihood of developing cancer but from there to say that it can be used as a cure for cancer simply have no'!!!!!!!! is THE TRUTH false false false false thoughts ..... The strength lies in their extreme falsehood ....
5 - Power Weight Loss Diet
The bench did not provide sufficient guarantees for effective action. They can be used as carriers of low-calorie diets, but if the subject does not know a diet will help in achieving the goal of very little weight loss.
Currently there are only two weight-loss drugs that may be prescribed by a doctor: orlistat and sibutramine.
So if a drug does not act without a specific patient's wishes to get in caloric restriction as I explained a simple water can lead to weight loss ?!?!??!?!??!
Now we must draw our own conclusions ... I have done me some ideas and I will not affect you too much because the 'purpose of writing this article goes beyond the marketing.Concludendo:
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) which is the 'watchdog on medical and health products that are marketed in the United States has certified that such an authoritative body apparecchio.Perchè certified this product ?!?!??
But guys, the explanations are very semplici, sul sito ufficiale dell'FDA la certificazione è FALSA dato che il numero di registro è inesistente!!!!!!!!!
Mi rivolgerò all'associazione dei consumatori facendo presente che questa multinazionale dichiara di possedere una certificazione FDA che è molto AUTOREVOLE E IMPORTANTE per il consumatore ma naturalmente è una certificazione falsa....
La disponibilità di informazioni non coincide automaticamente con la trasparenza che noi tutti auspichiamo.
Fabiola Carrara
La Chimica in Versi


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