Sunday, November 25, 2007

Directions For A Simple Swing Set


01.11. After we woke up in the dump of our room at a quarter to seven we left! We returned via river Bangar where we waited for Mary to take us to the Ulu .... National Park. The largest park in Brunei and still covered by primary forest. To achieve l'entrata del parco abbiamo dovuto prendere una lunga barca tradizionale ma con un motore giapponese!

Dopo più o meno mezza ora siamo arrivati al punto di registrazione per entrare nel parco. Come sempre era deserto! Poi ci siamo inoltrati nella foresta accompagnati da Maria e seguiti da un ranger. Abbiamo deciso di fare il tratto più scivoloso in salita per poi tornate dalle passerelle di legno. Faceva un caldo umido e si sudava come dei polli ed oltretutto eravamo inseguiti da uno sciame di zanzare! Ma il più doveva ancora arrivare! Una volta in cima al sentiero c'erano 5 ponteggi in alluminio collegati da ponti sospesi fino a 43 metri. Ma a me sembravano molti di più e dopo un paio di rampe ho iniziato a muovermi tipo camaleonte, peccato that there were still about thirty. But still we did make the walk through the foliage and we also saw a squirrel! Then finally we got our feet on the ground. The path would continue to another bridge and then reach a waterfall, all on the wooden walkways. But even here the nature and poor maintenance have run their course, everything was falling apart! Then we came back from the steps that had more than a thousand steps, who knows what will last? The ants seemed to like! Once you get to the point of departure gave us the room, which is a real log cabin with kitchen! Maria came back while we are rested. Meanwhile, many boats are coming full of tourists who have had a nice tail to climb! As in other places visited in the last month no one who spends the night in chalets are all closed!

We went to explore the area and we saw other trails that led to alleged accommodation in the forest all collapsed! According to the model when there were so many other things but now there are no more or were never built! The park is better with less people so that dirty! In theory, those who enter without permission or do something not allowed he gets $ 10,000 fine and two years imprisonment. Unfortunately

of rare animals have already gone from here in the past because there WOULD BE at peace since up in spring when the sea millions of gallons of oil has no intention of cutting down trees, for what little value they have. Then we went to the river to swim groped but I could not then we painted the stones with the help of others that seemed softer chalk. Then we went back bedroom area where we could see a bunch of monkeys jumping from tree to tree in search of food. Fortunately

five o'clock they remembered to turn on the generator so we were not in the dark during the night. We also cook the instant noodles, but if we knew we had a kitchen like us very much food! But as past experiences had not bought anything. After dinner, shower, relatively hot and mega shampooing goat milk shower gel and 2 different provision from the park! Then we rolled into bed at half past seven! We also did a night ride to see if they saw something but the battery does not lit up enough so we aborted the idea and went back to sleep and write the diary.


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