Friday, November 30, 2007

How To Congratulate Baby


Today we woke up at 6 to go and see what it was like boats, the only certainty was the place to start!
So I sat there waiting, the versions of 'time were closing all around 11.30. At 7:30 Maura joined me and we called a number that was written on a faded poster and we have confirmed the time. So we walked around the streets and we bought some 'of office supplies. Then we returned to the hotel to take the baggage and 10.15 we were at the pier. Luckily there were already a bit 'of the boat people and one guy who wrote the data of those who wanted to take on, we also gave the paper to fill in to enter Brunei. To pass the time I went to the nearby market to buy some 'food.

Finally at 11, the boat arrived and after having his passport stamped, we embarked, at 11.30 we started, the boat was practically new and the trip went well.
At first we went along the river following the river quite tortuous. When we arrived in the Sea of \u200b\u200bChina and the curves were finished we started with the jumps! However we were wrong and we got good at Muara.
Here we passed through customs with a lot of scanning of the temperature! In Brunei there is a total ban on drinking alcohol and there is the death penalty for those who traffic drugs, but none of the many employees of the customs controllava i bagagli, mi hanno solo chiesto se avevo dell’alcool o sigarette! Poi abbiamo cambiato 200 RM in dollari del Brunei e abbiamo preso il bus per Bundar Seri Begawan, la capitale del Brunei. Questa città sembra meno lozza di altri posti che abbiamo visitato ma che sia una delle nazioni più ricche del mondo non si direbbe proprio passeggiando per le strade!

Noi abbiamo camminato fino ad un ostello ma non hanno voluto darci una camera mista allora siamo tornati a prendere un bus per l'Apek Utama hotel a 3 km dal centro. Le camere sono ok ma niente di particolare, è però economico.
Una volta sistemati e fatto una doccia siamo ripartiti per il centro, questa volta ha piedi. Siamo entrati in un centro commerciale a see what they sold, but not worth buying anything because the prices are high and outdated products! But very nearly fill the case of diesel fuel that costs 31 cents Brunei, about 25 of us!

Once out of the shops we took a look at the mosque of Omar Ali Saifuddien lit. Then we went to eat something in the river bank. And after we got back in the room along the river where there were shrimp fishermen intent on their work! We have been able to sleep and tomorrow we should wake up ...

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Free Beauty Salon Blueprints


after sleeping almost 12 hours, the trip yesterday was exhausting, we started walking for the city. The center is located less than 3km from our Apek Utama Hotel, the road follows the river, Sungai Brunei, which is in the usual style fognoso of these places, in short, in addition to the fish contains a large amount of dirt!

The weather was not nice and before we arrived in town began to rain and we sheltered under a river taxi stop and a taxi driver is readily come to attack button and offer its services.
Fortunately the rain stopped for a moment and we escaped. We headed to the Great Mosque of Omar Ali Saifuddien. nel1958 It was built and one of the tallest buildings in the city. We took some pictures outside and then we entered. We obviously took his shoes off, then the guards made us wear a black robe reaching to the feet, no veil for me this time, maybe because I had the hat. The interior was tastefully decorated, on the ground there were beautiful green carpet. We could only walk on carpet special for visitors, which led under the dome. We also had to roll up my pants wet and certainly not because they were so pleased with our dirty feet. The dome is gilded inside and outside is decorated with mosaics beautiful. There was also an escalator leading to the upstairs, strange see one in a place of prayer!?! However, after a while we were thrown out. From here we went to visit the Royal Regalia Museum, which is not very good from outside, but inside is quite luxurious. The museum illustrates the megalomania of the Sultan, like the carts used during any parade, complete with a reproduction of the parade and the public, received gifts, clothing, ceremonial scepters, medallions, models of houses he owns and a slew of his photos and the royal family.
There are also the most interesting things throw old documents and some paintings. Fortunately, the entry was free. Then we took the bus No purple 55 that would have brought us to the famous Jerudon Park Playground, an amusement park given by the sultan in 1994 for his 58th birthday to the people. When they got on the bus it started to rain. . . The ticket before going down so we said if we wanted to go back on the last bus was alle18, after we had to take a taxi. The park opens only at night, from 17 onwards, we will arrive there around 17.15. It was raining and there was nobody in the park. We have entered into an information center in decadent give us a map. The park is very large, but more than half of the rides were closed. We were told that the inauguration of the park there was also Michael Jackson, we believe this park has fallen to pieces as his face!
Although the park is younger than him. In short, the maintenance here do not know what! His Majesty the Sultan of Brunei, said that this is the largest amusement park in the world, but in summer the Agno rides you can do more things. Catching a ride we met a keeper who has brought us to a water slide that operated just for us! David did not like, for me it was ok.

The only thing was that it was a little scrancio and I was afraid it could break at any moment. Already in Europe and / or America, where we are accustomed to some maintenance every so often you hear of some incident. So as Park was a disappointment and was not the case of leaving the pens , we have decided to escape! So we ran to the street on a sidewalk slippery tiles and we got to the last direct bus route downtown. During the return trip we noticed that even here, as in almost every other part of the world except the tires of cars are used to decorate the gardens, we only use them to make big bonfire! The Lonely Planet it says that Brunei is one of the smallest and richest in the world, certainly not to see that is rich! Surely there are some nicer houses in Malaysia, most modern cars and alcuni posti di lusso, ma la qualità di vita della popolazione non mi sembra tanto meglio che in altri posti dell'Asia. Tornati in centro siamo andati a mangiare qualcosa in un fast food tarocco. Poi visto che erano solo le 19.30 abbiamo fatto un giretto in città e fatto qualche foto alla moschea illuminata di notte. Ho fatto anche un filmato con il cellulare durante la chiamata alla preghiera del moazin. Verso le 21 ci siamo avviati a casa. Sulla strada lungo il fiume si incontrano molti pescatori di gamberetti. . . pescano gamberi e anche la sporcizia che nel fiume abbonda. Arrivati a casa solita routin, doccia e letto.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Wedding Card Message Funnu


Siamo partiti dalla nostra base che era ormai mezzogiorno e appena abbiamo messo piede fuori dalla porta ha iniziato a piovere!!! Oggi non ci dirigiamo verso il centro, ma dalla parte opposta, in direzione di 2 musei.
Camminando camminando, la pioggia ci ha costretti a ripararci sotto una tettoia in attesa che cessasse. Ripreso poi il cammino dopo una breve salita siamo giunti al Brunei Museum, dove c'è una bella galleria islamica, la cosa che assomiglia di più ad un museo che abbiamo visitato fino adesso.Anche se alcune luci dell'esposizione erano già rotte e probabilmente non verranno mai più sostituite. Poi c'era una sezione dedicata al petrolio della Shell che viene estratto qui, non era male. Poi i soliti animali imbalsamati, che facevano pena. All'entrata c'era un bel mosaico che raffigurava le palafitte sul fiume. Dopo di che siamo andati in un museo vicino, il Malai Technologi Museum, c'erano delle riproduzioni dei villaggi, dei metodi di coltivazione ecc. del paese.
Non era male, ma il palazzo che ospita il museo è tutto muffo, salendo le scale si vedono grandi infiltrazioni d'acqua e tutto quello che ne consegue. Usciti di qui siamo andati sulla strada con l'intento di prendere un bus che non arrivava mai. Ma poi si è fermato un taxi e visto che costava poco e mentre parlavamo col taxista il bus ci è sfrecciato davanti al naso, abbiamo preso quello. Arrivati in città siamo andati a fare un giro per le palafitte. Sembrano una bidonville e tutto attorno Lozza the abounds in industrial quantities.

The interior of some houses is also beautiful and we had a nice walk. there is also a mosque in the agglomeration. back to town we moved from the mainland and along a cemetery we wonder why on earth does not advance on to the hand or foot of some dead time from the tombs were all half-collapsed down the hill. From downtown we headed home and had dinner in a restaurant near our accommodation.
My soup was good but had some additional and even the ants drink. We hope to survive! Then we retreated room to prepare things for tomorrow we go to another part of Brunei, then sleep.

One good thing is that Brunei is not flooded with mangy dogs such as Malaysia, there are only a few cats and are also well maintained. Or maybe already become less repulsive nature of dogs. However, those who belong to someone, usually have their tails cut off, but since I sometimes can not cut well, some have only the short code all wrong.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Silver Citry Brampton


Around 8 we went to the center where we took a boat that started at about 9 to Bangar town of three houses in a cross which is the capital of Temburong District, a vast area sparsely populated with many forests are still intact.
During the summer cruise on the river I saw a crocodile in addition to the usual white birds and floating debris such as a couch! Once in town it was found Labar which led us to see a long house that those who write the Lonely Planet is an experience to do to be there to sleep, the only problem was that in what you could sleep was almost deserted and we were not wanted!
Then we went to see the river from where boats from reaching the national park where we will go on November 1st! We also took a look at the zoo even this is falling apart! Then visit a other house and then we came back. Not that there is also much to see and are just houses, the only thing that they are all stuck together and form a large one. However
people look at you and says nothing is like you are there to bother him and even if you look at things they sell does not approach anyone! We could not buy anything because the bank in the country I could not take and I do not even have changed the Franks, I do not know why but they have looked at 5 and 10 minutes after they decided that they could not, then I changed my € 30 and they were going well and I'm not been able to count them and they gave me the dollars that I had changed 40.
However we are with money pulled and if not tomorrow we want to return to the capital to change we must tighten our belts! Then we're back in town and we got two beds in separate rooms in a hostel. After a ride on a river in the area have found that the supplies we had were cookies and possible pre-digested by some invisible bug! We decided that tomorrow is another boat ride to pick up and then come back here!
At least we can eat something decent in a stand of the road! For me, a sort of hot-dog hamburger with bread, eggs, cooked meat on a plate filled with salad and then a sea of \u200b\u200bsauces. Instead Maura rice and vegetables.
I also got a dessert, which consisted of 10 pieces of fried banana tapioca. What's more before we leave one lady even gave us a bag full of donuts! Then we walked around the streets of two cities, and finally we're back in the room and saw that no one in our rooms Maura moved in mine. We hope that we do not stone us otherwise find in the lunchroom! Or even worse we convert to Islam as they did with the locals offering them a home! I wonder if they would not accept that view! I do not know where they end up the oil money but I think people did not see it!

Monday, November 26, 2007

Funny Baby Congradulations


Today wake up early to catch the boat that will take us back to BSB, the capital. We did the check-out from the hostel Muslim as quickly as possible! Then the boat ride of about 35mins., It was refreshing because the boat goes fast and get a nice breeze. Once in the center have found a budget hotel in the center that we had advised Labar, the "guide" to the lanyard around houses. After depositing the few things in the room that we had with us we went to a mosque to the usual photos, but this time with the sun. Then we picked up. Since the weather was fine we decided to visit the nearby beaches. With the bus we headed to Pantai Serasa that according to the Lonely Planet is a thin strip of sand on an equally narrow strip of land that juts out into the sea. What is true, however, beach true, that the sand that enters the sea there is very little. Most of the shore was made of stones put them artificially. The only two stretches of beach for more real were the haunt of Lozza!

I'm not here to describe the various debris that was there. So we decided to go see another beach recommended by the guide. . . After taking the usual bus we went on something that could be described as a beach. not too dirty at a nearby park, this was quite nice. So much so that David has also taken a bath in the South China Sea!

after walking a bit on the shore we sheltered in the shade a structure in the adjacent park. There were dogs around but they were not sociable. Around 16 we took the bus that took us back to the center, placing about 2 hours. Then dump in the city in quick shower and dinner at a place recommended by Lonely. Fortunately the food was good! Then 'we did the photo of the mosque at night with reflection on water. And finally finally in bed.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Directions For A Simple Swing Set


01.11. After we woke up in the dump of our room at a quarter to seven we left! We returned via river Bangar where we waited for Mary to take us to the Ulu .... National Park. The largest park in Brunei and still covered by primary forest. To achieve l'entrata del parco abbiamo dovuto prendere una lunga barca tradizionale ma con un motore giapponese!

Dopo più o meno mezza ora siamo arrivati al punto di registrazione per entrare nel parco. Come sempre era deserto! Poi ci siamo inoltrati nella foresta accompagnati da Maria e seguiti da un ranger. Abbiamo deciso di fare il tratto più scivoloso in salita per poi tornate dalle passerelle di legno. Faceva un caldo umido e si sudava come dei polli ed oltretutto eravamo inseguiti da uno sciame di zanzare! Ma il più doveva ancora arrivare! Una volta in cima al sentiero c'erano 5 ponteggi in alluminio collegati da ponti sospesi fino a 43 metri. Ma a me sembravano molti di più e dopo un paio di rampe ho iniziato a muovermi tipo camaleonte, peccato that there were still about thirty. But still we did make the walk through the foliage and we also saw a squirrel! Then finally we got our feet on the ground. The path would continue to another bridge and then reach a waterfall, all on the wooden walkways. But even here the nature and poor maintenance have run their course, everything was falling apart! Then we came back from the steps that had more than a thousand steps, who knows what will last? The ants seemed to like! Once you get to the point of departure gave us the room, which is a real log cabin with kitchen! Maria came back while we are rested. Meanwhile, many boats are coming full of tourists who have had a nice tail to climb! As in other places visited in the last month no one who spends the night in chalets are all closed!

We went to explore the area and we saw other trails that led to alleged accommodation in the forest all collapsed! According to the model when there were so many other things but now there are no more or were never built! The park is better with less people so that dirty! In theory, those who enter without permission or do something not allowed he gets $ 10,000 fine and two years imprisonment. Unfortunately

of rare animals have already gone from here in the past because there WOULD BE at peace since up in spring when the sea millions of gallons of oil has no intention of cutting down trees, for what little value they have. Then we went to the river to swim groped but I could not then we painted the stones with the help of others that seemed softer chalk. Then we went back bedroom area where we could see a bunch of monkeys jumping from tree to tree in search of food. Fortunately

five o'clock they remembered to turn on the generator so we were not in the dark during the night. We also cook the instant noodles, but if we knew we had a kitchen like us very much food! But as past experiences had not bought anything. After dinner, shower, relatively hot and mega shampooing goat milk shower gel and 2 different provision from the park! Then we rolled into bed at half past seven! We also did a night ride to see if they saw something but the battery does not lit up enough so we aborted the idea and went back to sleep and write the diary.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Hot Brazilian Wax Jobs


2.11. At 8:30 am we were already awake. After a while we left our room that smelled of mothballs to go for a ride.

The information center was closed, so we headed to the reception, if you can call it, since it is an outdoor table where it records the people who go al canopy. Li abbiamo potuto pagare l'accommodation, 50 ringitt, relativamente poco per essere il posto più bello dove abbiamo alloggiato fin'ora qui in Brunei.

Poi siamo tornati in camera e ci siamo preparati per raggiungere di nuovo il canopy. Siamo saliti dalla scalinata 1226 scalini!!! È stato abbastanza faticoso. Giunti in cima, dopo un meritato riposo, abbiamo iniziato a salire, ma dopo 4 o 5 rampe di scale Davide ha desistito. Per finire sono salita solo io a fare qualche foto visto che il tempo era un pò meglio di ieri. Mentre stavamo scendendo abbiamo incrociato i primi turisti che salivano. A mezzogiorno avevamo la barca che ci aspettava, ma c'era solo quella, non riuscivamo a trovare i barcaioli. Così abbiamo fatto un pò avanti e indietro per vedere se incontravamo qualcuno. . . ma il posto era semi deserto. Allora abbiamo deciso di scendere vicino alla barca sui ciotoli del fiume. . . ed ecco sbucare fuori i barcaioli!!! Abbiamo disceso il fiume fino alla base delle barche, dove ci aspettava Maria che ci ha accompagnati in auto alla partenza del traghetto per BSB. Durante il viaggio anche lei come Labar si è lamentata che tutti si stanno convertendo all'islam per farsi regalare la casa nuova.

Ha inoltre aggiunto che per i cristiani come lei è difficile trovare lavoro perché gli islamici favoriscono la loro gente. Ci siamo salutati e il nostro giro organizzato è finito. È stato bello, anche se di animali ne abbiamo visti ben pochi, tantissimi insects, including ants largest we have ever seen and a small squirrel typical of Borneo. Back in the capital to the 14 we went to visit the Handcraft Museum, which was on the way back to the Hotel Apek. The museum building is great, but you can visit only a small part, where they keep handicrafts, textiles, coins with the face of the sultan, Muslim caps and other items.

we were out in less than 15min. Since he was soon to fall, we launched another business in the Lonely Planet. It said to go up a road that started from behind the museum and would have had to come on top of a hill where you had to enjoy the view of the city. We went up, then down the road, and then we went down thinking that dated back to the lookout point, but we ended up in the city center! Luckily on the way during this hard work, we found a kiosk where they sold fruit and water and were able to rehydrate. While we were there, why not go to visit the home of the Sultan!?! What a brilliant idea! We walked for miles along a busy main road. Once at the palace that seems to be the largest palace of the Vatican, the only thing you could do was to walk alongside the fence of the garden. The house you could see only a dome and a few pieces of roof, everything else was covered by plants. We went to un parco vicino da dove pensavamo si potesse scorgere qualcosa di più come consigliato dalla guida. . . ma niente da fare. Era ormai sera e volevamo tornare a casa. Nel parco c'era un accesso all'acqua e per un pò abbiamo sperato in un taxi fluviale, ma il palazzo del sultano proprio non lo visita nessuno, quindi non ce ne erano in giro. Allora ci siamo spostati sulla strada per prendere un bus, ma era troppo tardi, tutti i bus passavano nel senso opposto ed erano fuori servizio. Dopo un pò ci siamo rassegnati a tornare a piedi. Abbiamo accorciato un pò la strada passando per le palafitte, ma era ancora un bel pezzo. Finalmente arrivati all'Apek, abbiamo ritrovato il gestore indiano che ci ha preso i nostri sacchi e dato una camera delle più pregiate, seen that we paid for 3 nights. We immediately went out looking for food close to our accommodation, but even here it was too late, a restaurant was already closed, on the other there was the possibility of having only take away because they were closing. So we ended up in a shack, which had a table just because mostly prepared food to take away. We ate rice and fried chicken thighs with spicy sauce. Of course we were at the center of attention because I think that no tourist has ever eaten them. Dead tired we returned to the room, shower and then sleep.

Friday, November 23, 2007

Cervical Mucus Period


03.11.Ci we woke up late today around 10 we started to produce two postcards to send from here. Around 12 we went by taxi from the river and we took lead on the other side of river. Then we walked along the walkways of the village, the thing that impresses the most is the huge Lozza located under the base when the tide goes down. Just about everything ends up in the river when no longer needed. I do not know what to make of the corpses but today we also saw 4 bags for infusions with a lot of tubes and valves still attached, on the river bank.

For the rest also on this side there is nothing special and we found no shops, only a few children who greeted us and kept an eagle as a chicken! Then we took back the city from where we walked to jame'Asr Hassanil Bolkiah Mosque is the largest in Brunei. We arrived when it was not possible to enter so we saw it only from outside, is beautiful and very large. Too bad that we could not enter.

From here we moved into a supermarket to get food and a beer without alcohol. Then we walked up to a mall where he bought some Maura colored leads for mechanical pencils 0.5 that once back at home have proved to be of poor quality. Shops at the hotel this time we did it in the bus! For dinner we went here in front of the hotel, since we ate there we have offered to use the internet for free so we stuck until 19.30 when to drive us out told us they closed at 20.30 and we as a chicken shack we left an hour before! Once in the room used to different routines and then to bed.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Blue Prints For A Rabbit Hutch


4.11.Oggi rest, wake up late, then we were in the room all morning to prepare postcards and now that we left was the one pass. We went into town and then we went to Taman Tasek Peranginan, a park just outside town. It was beautiful, there was a small waterfall and we were able to make a jungle trak that led us up a hill from where you could see the city. Unfortunately, we saw no animals except a squirrel. At bedtime, we noted errors we found the Lonely Planet. We went back downtown to department stores and David bought new slippers. To end the evening an excellent dinner in the usual downtown restaurants. Then stroll to digest home. Where we waited for our bed.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Largest Shark Recorded


Today was the last day here in Brunei, we went for a ride to the shops where we bought some shoes at super discounted price and then we went back quietly to our hotel where we packed up and recovered abbamo We moved the restaurant to eat a bit 'chicken and rice. We also bought some food at the airport and then we aspetteto the bus that took us to the center and from there another capacity that we brought to the airport aravamo a bit 'in advance to do the check in but after fifteen minutes they opened the door. Then we turned a bit 'fer to pass the time but there was absolutely nothing to buy, again more than half the shops were closed forever. After passing through customs and went to the bathroom we moved to the gate a bit 'in advance to start the race in pole position of the posts. When the plane arrived five minutes later after people had gone down we were already running for the airport coridoi accappararci as possible for the best seats in the A320 that is, those near emergency exit rows 12 or 14 (the 13 does not exist). Once conqistati places are then left for KL. During the flight, we wrote the last post cards. Once in the Malaysian capital, we took the bus that took us in front of our hostel where at 1:30 in the morning abbbiamo got a room with double bed where you will not even run inside. Then sleep.

Monday, November 19, 2007

General Nil Rapid Share

Ebbene è arrivato.

Ordinato appena uscito sul mercato il 30 Ottobre 2007 su gunnerairsoft, mi è stato consegnato oggi. Posso affermare di essere il primo in Italia ad avere questo fucile data la novità.

Il fucile è arrivato con cartone stampato 2 colori, interno in polistirolo con copertura in cartone.La versione che ho comprato è la 6622 quella con calcio retrattile e case portabatteria esterno.Quest'ultimo è di eccellente fattura, meglio del VFC.Anche il Ris frontale, confrontato con un VFC risulta essere migliore.Nessuna sbavatura, tutto alluminio ed il colore è ben fissato, non come nelle repliche della Vega Force.Mira flip up anteriore excellent and well designed sull'upper receiver sets, pictures apparently did not give the right emphasis.

I quote the VFC is not accidental, since the booklet contains a replica of the first page says "Vega Force Company Automatic Electric Rifle Series".

Unfortunately there are some flaws, the body is very nice, the marks are printed in color and laser-type replicas marui, marui, unfortunately, like the color of the plastic is not the same as the color of the metal and notice the difference of the two materiali.Il Football is a simple football with plastic rather hard to the touch.

The worst thing that has discouraged me more di tutto è che il fucile mi è arrivato con i body rotti.Sono sicuro che siano stati inviati rotti da HK.C'è un crepo all'altezza del bolt action nell'upper receiver e nel lower receiver una delle due asole dei perni di fissaggio è saltata.

Il fucile spara, sicuro overjoule ma di tanto anche.Non ho aperto nulla, rimesso nella scatola e scritto a gunner con foto e dovute lamentele.Sono abbastanza scazzato.

Peccato perchè questo 416 è sicuramente una delle migliori repliche cinesi disponibili sul mercato.

Vi tengo aggiornati sugli sviluppi.Intanto incorciate le dita perchè gunner non mi tiri il pacco......


Sunday, August 19, 2007

What Period Is Like When Pregnant

Best Buy

Perchè chiamarle ASG Low Cost, chiamiamole ASG Best Buy, ovvero miglio rapporto prezzo prestazioni.

Ecco il banner per supportare!

Saturday, August 18, 2007

How To Get Lice Out Of Hair Extentions?


Ecco i due cinesini che ho comprato.... dopo le elettroniche cinesi, mi sono dato alle ASG cinesi.... eh si che I sti Chinese can see them, however, gladly give them to him sghei .... mah!

The first, the one with the Colt M4 CQB slileziatore is the second ever Colt M4 S-System. Ah

are airsoft guns .....


Thank You Wording For Wedding

skulls of the two Chinese guy

Kidney Cysts Treatment

banner for the forum link for used airsoft

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Silvercity Brampton Jobs

HI end

A few days ago I discovered that Google can create CSEs, the function called Google Co . op.

The engine that I created is used to search for High End electronic equipment in Italy.

The link is: 3Aevhbglo2kb0

Non è facile da ricordare, bisognerebbe registrare un domino.
Btw, si può sempre salvare fra i preferiti.

Non è che funzioni alla grande però....
Ho messo dentro anche ma non mi trova le aste.... non so.... vediamo se verrà sviluppato meglio, siamo in fase beta!

ciao ciao


Sunday, March 4, 2007

Quinceañeras Desnuditas


Posto qui le foto del nuovo ampli, un finaleclassè DR8 e come pre un bryston BP.5B.