Friday, August 22, 2008

White Blisters On Gums

Hotel Helios - Rimini Rivazzurra

Hotel ELIOS is one of the few four-star Rivazzurra Rimini . To this should be one of the best hotels in this town. In fact in some ways it is. Unfortunately But by staying out are some small flaws that lower the overall assessment.

The prices are definitely very good (the price list on the site - click here) for a 4-star hotel in an excellent position overlooking the sea. The services also are good and to some extent differ from the majority of hotels which are of a lower Rivazzurra.

But let us examine in detail:

The lobby is very accurate, large terrace with a welcoming entrance. Pleasant.

At the reception we are greeted with courtesy and professionalism of the owners or a girl or a very discreet. Upon our arrival we will explain everything very carefully, with particular attention to service restaurant. We are given an electronic card with which we will pay the extra from the bar or restaurant with the convenience of not having to carry around your wallet. Comodo.
The suitcases are not brought in the room as we do not come together in the room.

The room is large enough and well structured. In our great there were a double bed a cot to a square and a camping cot for the little girl. All this still leaves a decent living space in the room. The large closet full of coat hangers (even hangers for skirts and pants) comfortable. A luggage rack, very useful, the 14-inch television on the wall (with satellite channels, but almost all foreign language and unregulated. No Sky) a safe combination to complement the room and a cabinet.
The bathroom really pretty. With shower cubicle and jacuzzi (in basic but very nice) and convenient services, and in excellent condition. We chose the superior room with a shower and it's worth it for the price difference. In the bathroom of course there is also a handy hair dryer. Finally, the least beautiful part of the room or the balcony. Really too small. That is almost unusable for affacciarcisi to hang towels and swimsuits in summer. In addition, a short string even if it could be useful for hanging wet bathing suit but no clip available a bit complicated 'things. We asked the front desk of the clips and in return we got more clothes hangers with hooks (the ones for skirts). Better than nothing. Advice for those who want to take holidays here. Bring the clips from home. Last thing, the sea view rooms have a view while the others are really beautiful right next to the other hotel. Oh I forgot. The air conditioning with individual temperature control works very well and very quick to bring to room temperature. Well.

Let's talk about cleaning. Here the painful notes. Good in public areas, which are very well maintained and cared for but with several flaws in the room. We, on our arrival we found some cobwebs on the bathroom door and in another punto del bagno. Non capisco come nessuno si sia lamentato prima visto che non erano state fatte nella mattinata precedente il nostro arrivo. Comunque quando abbiamo segnalato questo alla responsabile della pulizia (molto gentile) si è scusata ed ha candidamente detto che lei purtroppo ha il brutto vizio di non guardare in alto. Buh?. Comunque subito dopo la segnalazione le ragnatele sono sparite. In compenso è rimasta polvere in diversi punti della stanza ed il bagno è sempre stato pulito un po’ troppo in fretta. Da fare più attenzione.

Pranzo e cena vengono serviti al primo piano in una bella sala climatizzata con tavoli tondi (uno per ogni camera) alle ore 13.00 il pranzo ed alla ore 19.30 la cena. Ognuno ha il proprio tavolo per tutta the duration of the holiday. The night before you receive a package with three choices for the first three and the second for both lunch and dinner so that they can choose and prepare us to what we prefer. Of the three dishes there is always the choice of a fish dish. Anyone who wants can also request a different dish that will replace one of course, this full-board for those not going to change the price (of course choosing a suitable replacement scope). We for example, we chose to have a ham and soft cheese flatbread instead of a scope and asked many mixed fried fish. The course always abundant (to request an encore) and in most cases very good. A few small except with some dishes (for example, we do not like them at all the rags in broth), but in general really all good. Excellent for example, baked sea bass served whole.
A good lunch can always have the lemon sorbet or ice cream and coffee made in the event other than the sweet. For dinner, dessert (pudding or panna cotta often). Very good.
the drinks for those who have understood the full board can be natural or sparkling water at will, white or red wine (on tap. Better to have both white, but drinkable), and for children coca cola or orange juice (served 1-liter glass bottles. Original Coca Cola and Fanta). Well. Of course, other beverage of your choice for a fee. Discreta la possibilità di scelta di vini in bottiglia.
Oltre alle due portate sempre presente il buffet di verdure. Ottime le verdure crude che oltre alle solite insalata, pomodori, cetrioli e mais presentava sempre anche peperoni tagliati a striscioline e cipolle rosse. Ottima anche la possibilità di condire l’insalata sia con olio che aceto (normale o balsamico) che con i condimenti yogurt. Benissimo. Il resto del buffet presentava ogni giorno diversi piatti, alcuni molto particolari e buoni e soprattutto una verdura fritta quasi ogni giorno. Spettacolari le cipollotte fritte ed i fiori di zucca fritti. Benissimo.

La colazione invece viene servita al piano terra nell’ampio e piacevole bar della hall. Posto non fisso. Possibilità to select tables and chairs or sofas, very convenient for those of children. Good speed with which the waiter to the room "replenished, a series of trays. The cappuccino bar, but unfortunately not that of the machine. Still fairly new machine with cappuccino discreet. Ability to also have chocolate, tea, infusions and other typical machines. Also expressed the possibility of having to put in the coffee cup, at least in appearance, offered us the opportunity to have breakfast with a beautiful real coffee. Very good fruit juices, even in these machine (grapefruit and blood oranges). Croissants, bread, biscuits, breakfast cereals sweet. The nutelline (not the real one) and martellatine available. Too bad only for the yogurt in a container only and white only. In a 4 star we would have expected the individual packages of yogurt. For the part of salt, bacon, ham, salami and mortadella ham and boiled eggs.

The waiters are very professional and helpful even though sometimes a bit 'awkward.

Let's talk about the pool. Really nice. Very large and with so many beds available. The pool is not very suitable for children (not in an area with shallow water) but very beautiful. Even with diving board and a fountain. In addition to the vacant space in the same pool Jacuzzi that can accommodate up to 6 / 8 people. This very good. Only two negative notes for the pool that still had the merit of being big enough to never be crowded so well worth living. First a shower that needed to work in his time. Let me explain. Before entering the water must take a shower which had to be opened in mid-adjusting the speaker and then have to wait at least 5 minutes to watch as the water began to flow. Strange and negative. According to the lifeguard. Perhaps his work was only to save customers from drowning but did nothing. For example, for the shower we had to ask other customers why the water did not come out while he sat a few steps looking at us regardless of our difficulties in opening the shower. Bah.

close with parking. It has the advantage of being covered with only 60 seats but too small for a hotel like that. So in high season you find yourself having to park in the corridors of parking and having to leave your car key at reception to make it move when someone has to leave. So if we decide to hike it should be notified in advance that the reception will seek to open up a way towards the door of our car. Just comfortable.

forgot. The hotel offers free WIFI internet access.

For children there are special services or entertainment services. There are chairs at the tables (for lunch and dinner) and staff is very discreet and polite.
However, in the end we were good and we can recommend this hotel. The beach is very close (two hundred feet) and good services.

Tried to August 2008. PS

the hotel Helios is part of the hotel chain Montemaggi

official link:


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