Friday, August 29, 2008

Drivers Lisence Template

Reusch participate in the contest didaLGo

didaLGo passion for teachers is a blog that offers tips, suggestions and materials for teachers and for those who want to live and the opportunities offered by the web and in particular the Web 2.0 .

now experimenting with a contest offering 25 euro charge for a call to all participants.

We share with this post and keep our fingers crossed. Not so much for the money but for the fact that this could be a good opportunity to signal our presence on the web.

Reusch out the blog for those who want to consciously .

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Polymyositis Treatment More Condition_symptoms

Restaurant OLD WILD WEST GALLERY 8 of Turin

Who lives in Turin, you certainly know the ' 8 gallery. It 'a big shopping center was born in the Lingotto district of today become the largest exhibition center in Turin.

The nice thing (for guests) 8 gallery is that it is always open. Every day of the year. Inside you can find everything from cinema to every kind of shop. But this center will be discussed in a future post.

For now we want to concentrate on ' OLD WILD WEST one of the many restaurants in this mall. More than a restaurant in reality it is better beer or a steak house where you can eat typical dishes of the old west. I mean burgers, beans, chicken and fries. The location is very nice and well cared for. Divided into two parts one inside and one outside terrace of ways. The wooden tables are beautifully designed. Two entrance totem searches us as we enter. The prices are not the best and if we save by eating a hamburger in reality we should go to Mc Donalds. Here, however, the quality is definitely higher.

Hamburgers and various types of meat are very good and well cooked. Pure potato chips while remaining in what this dish can offer are good. Very interesting

care for children. Ben 4 menus that provide for a special dish (hamburgers, chicken, wusterl, kebabs) served with fries and small drink. A little 'dear but good. For every children's menu is also given a mini plush Trudy. There are comfortable chairs (wooden therefore not suitable for toddlers) and available to every child who chooses the menu receives a packet with some colored pencils and paper to draw on. Useful.

The restaurant is a franchise and negative unfortunately suffers a bit 'of this, losing in personality and with the staff, perhaps a bit' too aloof.

So if you do not know what to do on a gloomy day a nice stroll in the mall and plan a lunch or dinner can be a solution.

Tried in July 2008.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

American Sharking Tops

The Jolie - A jewel at Oulx

Oulx is a beautiful mountain town of Susa. A little gem like so many other places around here. No coincidence that the 2006 Olympics have been made on these very mountains.

If you want to make a memorable breakfast is worth making a trip to La Jolie pastry that is right on the main street.

The place is small but furnished in style. In summer there is also the opportunity to have breakfast on the terrace.

Coffee and cappuccino are really good as well as chocolates and teas.

exceptional croissants and pastries naturally grown. Meringues are also excellent.
If we present ourselves at different times from the breakfast is also worth a taste il buon gelato artigianale o una delle ottime torte di produzione propria.

Davvero valido.

Carina anche l'idea di dedicare un piccolo angolo del locale alle fotografie dei bimbi dei clienti.

Da fermarsi per una pausa golosa prima di buttarsi nelle meravigliose montagne li vicino.

Provato agosto 2008.

La Jolie Di Perron Cabus & C. (S.N.C.)
10056 Oulx (TO)
tel: 0122 831894

Church Anniversay Program

Pizza and pasta Prino - Eating in front of the sea

Prinos Village is one of the most beautiful villages of the western Ligurian coast. It 'also the last town of Imperia Porto Maurizio. And more precisely on the seafront at number 140 is the pizza / spaghetti named Pizza and Pasta Prino.

the location and position are really beautiful and are definitely the strong point of this pizzeria.

A local historian who in the '80s was called Sghitta Perusia and was one of the best restaurants for fresh fish of the coast. Today, after the change of management is a lot of pizza / spaghetti house that no longer has the magic of the past but vista del mare dal suo dehors continua ad essere meravigliosa. La particolarità è data dal fatto di pranzare e cenare quando c'è ancora la luce con un bellissimo mare a pochi metri e quando si fa buio di essere cullati dal "suono" delle onde sui ciottoli della spiaggia sottostante.

Per questi motivi vale la pena di passare una serata in questo locale.

Per il resto c'è poco da raccontare ovvero nulla di indimenticabile per quanto riguarda ciò che si mangia.

Il menu è composto da pizze (sulla carta viene indicato "la vera pizza napoletana" ma ci rimane qualche dubbio), spaghetti e qualche secondo di pesce.

We tried the pizza there and wowed both the quality of the pasta, and for cooking and for the quality of the condiments. However edible.

The place is very suitable for the children (do not even have a chair) and of course the menu does not provide for them. It should however be said that the owner (the place is family run) has worked to become the three children who were with us. We easily obtained short pasta (penne half) instead of spaghetti sauce flavored with the classic "red", the cake was served in small cups. In short, we have tried even if nothing is foreseen for the children.

Very nice inside the room a large aquarium with sea water.

Last note, positive account. Absolutely not salty and for those who eat in a place so beautiful it is already a great thing.

Tried to August 2008.

Pizza and Pasta Prino - Lungomare Cristoforo Colombo 140-18100 Imperia

Friday, August 22, 2008

White Blisters On Gums

Hotel Helios - Rimini Rivazzurra

Hotel ELIOS is one of the few four-star Rivazzurra Rimini . To this should be one of the best hotels in this town. In fact in some ways it is. Unfortunately But by staying out are some small flaws that lower the overall assessment.

The prices are definitely very good (the price list on the site - click here) for a 4-star hotel in an excellent position overlooking the sea. The services also are good and to some extent differ from the majority of hotels which are of a lower Rivazzurra.

But let us examine in detail:

The lobby is very accurate, large terrace with a welcoming entrance. Pleasant.

At the reception we are greeted with courtesy and professionalism of the owners or a girl or a very discreet. Upon our arrival we will explain everything very carefully, with particular attention to service restaurant. We are given an electronic card with which we will pay the extra from the bar or restaurant with the convenience of not having to carry around your wallet. Comodo.
The suitcases are not brought in the room as we do not come together in the room.

The room is large enough and well structured. In our great there were a double bed a cot to a square and a camping cot for the little girl. All this still leaves a decent living space in the room. The large closet full of coat hangers (even hangers for skirts and pants) comfortable. A luggage rack, very useful, the 14-inch television on the wall (with satellite channels, but almost all foreign language and unregulated. No Sky) a safe combination to complement the room and a cabinet.
The bathroom really pretty. With shower cubicle and jacuzzi (in basic but very nice) and convenient services, and in excellent condition. We chose the superior room with a shower and it's worth it for the price difference. In the bathroom of course there is also a handy hair dryer. Finally, the least beautiful part of the room or the balcony. Really too small. That is almost unusable for affacciarcisi to hang towels and swimsuits in summer. In addition, a short string even if it could be useful for hanging wet bathing suit but no clip available a bit complicated 'things. We asked the front desk of the clips and in return we got more clothes hangers with hooks (the ones for skirts). Better than nothing. Advice for those who want to take holidays here. Bring the clips from home. Last thing, the sea view rooms have a view while the others are really beautiful right next to the other hotel. Oh I forgot. The air conditioning with individual temperature control works very well and very quick to bring to room temperature. Well.

Let's talk about cleaning. Here the painful notes. Good in public areas, which are very well maintained and cared for but with several flaws in the room. We, on our arrival we found some cobwebs on the bathroom door and in another punto del bagno. Non capisco come nessuno si sia lamentato prima visto che non erano state fatte nella mattinata precedente il nostro arrivo. Comunque quando abbiamo segnalato questo alla responsabile della pulizia (molto gentile) si è scusata ed ha candidamente detto che lei purtroppo ha il brutto vizio di non guardare in alto. Buh?. Comunque subito dopo la segnalazione le ragnatele sono sparite. In compenso è rimasta polvere in diversi punti della stanza ed il bagno è sempre stato pulito un po’ troppo in fretta. Da fare più attenzione.

Pranzo e cena vengono serviti al primo piano in una bella sala climatizzata con tavoli tondi (uno per ogni camera) alle ore 13.00 il pranzo ed alla ore 19.30 la cena. Ognuno ha il proprio tavolo per tutta the duration of the holiday. The night before you receive a package with three choices for the first three and the second for both lunch and dinner so that they can choose and prepare us to what we prefer. Of the three dishes there is always the choice of a fish dish. Anyone who wants can also request a different dish that will replace one of course, this full-board for those not going to change the price (of course choosing a suitable replacement scope). We for example, we chose to have a ham and soft cheese flatbread instead of a scope and asked many mixed fried fish. The course always abundant (to request an encore) and in most cases very good. A few small except with some dishes (for example, we do not like them at all the rags in broth), but in general really all good. Excellent for example, baked sea bass served whole.
A good lunch can always have the lemon sorbet or ice cream and coffee made in the event other than the sweet. For dinner, dessert (pudding or panna cotta often). Very good.
the drinks for those who have understood the full board can be natural or sparkling water at will, white or red wine (on tap. Better to have both white, but drinkable), and for children coca cola or orange juice (served 1-liter glass bottles. Original Coca Cola and Fanta). Well. Of course, other beverage of your choice for a fee. Discreta la possibilità di scelta di vini in bottiglia.
Oltre alle due portate sempre presente il buffet di verdure. Ottime le verdure crude che oltre alle solite insalata, pomodori, cetrioli e mais presentava sempre anche peperoni tagliati a striscioline e cipolle rosse. Ottima anche la possibilità di condire l’insalata sia con olio che aceto (normale o balsamico) che con i condimenti yogurt. Benissimo. Il resto del buffet presentava ogni giorno diversi piatti, alcuni molto particolari e buoni e soprattutto una verdura fritta quasi ogni giorno. Spettacolari le cipollotte fritte ed i fiori di zucca fritti. Benissimo.

La colazione invece viene servita al piano terra nell’ampio e piacevole bar della hall. Posto non fisso. Possibilità to select tables and chairs or sofas, very convenient for those of children. Good speed with which the waiter to the room "replenished, a series of trays. The cappuccino bar, but unfortunately not that of the machine. Still fairly new machine with cappuccino discreet. Ability to also have chocolate, tea, infusions and other typical machines. Also expressed the possibility of having to put in the coffee cup, at least in appearance, offered us the opportunity to have breakfast with a beautiful real coffee. Very good fruit juices, even in these machine (grapefruit and blood oranges). Croissants, bread, biscuits, breakfast cereals sweet. The nutelline (not the real one) and martellatine available. Too bad only for the yogurt in a container only and white only. In a 4 star we would have expected the individual packages of yogurt. For the part of salt, bacon, ham, salami and mortadella ham and boiled eggs.

The waiters are very professional and helpful even though sometimes a bit 'awkward.

Let's talk about the pool. Really nice. Very large and with so many beds available. The pool is not very suitable for children (not in an area with shallow water) but very beautiful. Even with diving board and a fountain. In addition to the vacant space in the same pool Jacuzzi that can accommodate up to 6 / 8 people. This very good. Only two negative notes for the pool that still had the merit of being big enough to never be crowded so well worth living. First a shower that needed to work in his time. Let me explain. Before entering the water must take a shower which had to be opened in mid-adjusting the speaker and then have to wait at least 5 minutes to watch as the water began to flow. Strange and negative. According to the lifeguard. Perhaps his work was only to save customers from drowning but did nothing. For example, for the shower we had to ask other customers why the water did not come out while he sat a few steps looking at us regardless of our difficulties in opening the shower. Bah.

close with parking. It has the advantage of being covered with only 60 seats but too small for a hotel like that. So in high season you find yourself having to park in the corridors of parking and having to leave your car key at reception to make it move when someone has to leave. So if we decide to hike it should be notified in advance that the reception will seek to open up a way towards the door of our car. Just comfortable.

forgot. The hotel offers free WIFI internet access.

For children there are special services or entertainment services. There are chairs at the tables (for lunch and dinner) and staff is very discreet and polite.
However, in the end we were good and we can recommend this hotel. The beach is very close (two hundred feet) and good services.

Tried to August 2008. PS

the hotel Helios is part of the hotel chain Montemaggi

official link:

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Haematoma More Condition_symptoms

Birthday to 'IKEA Grugliasco

This time the review is not about one shop but only a part of it. We talk about the great idea of \u200b\u200b IKEA or to offer a place for our children's birthday party. ( site )

It 's a great solution for both the price and the quality and convenience for organizing the event. For us it was a great experience where we could find courtesy and professionalism and above all we could organize a birthday party without having to somersaults.

Yes, the best thing about it is that they do everything, from invitations to the final farewell. It is well to worry about preparing and decorating the room, do not bother to prepare and provide food and drink, do not worry about the animation and especially the cleaning of the rooms. Already this in our opinion worth the price. Expenditure on the whole is similar if not lower than what might be renting a room and organizing the festival on his own. We, for example, we invited 14 children and we have spent in total (including birthday cake) just under 90 €.

But let retail services. Before all we need to procure IKEA Family . This is a free card that gives us a discount on the organization of the party. So we must go to IKEA and book the date. This is the only thing difficult. Should organize the party with a moderate advance in order to choose the day quietly. We, for example, we went in late May and June there was no vacancy. The festival can be done only from Monday to Friday and hours will be 17:00 to 19:00.

When choosing the date we are given the cards of invitation (not wonderful but better than nothing) and we are given to choose the theme of the party. There are 7 / 8 will address issues on which the party which vary by age and sex of the celebrated / a. It should also indicate the number of children invited (minimum 10 maximum 20) that we will confirm the day before the party. There are also asked if the cake we want to bring to us or if they do (very comfortable second chance as it will bring them a cake with candles and photos after they cut into slices and all you need). The cake was really good in our case and make, Bindi .

Without this we must not think of anything more if not for the guests.

The party is well organized with a promoter that is responsible for decorating the room available (for the IKEA Grugliasco the restaurant is closed and left half of it available to the party) and to receive and play all the kids. The games are cute and also allow you to color, dancing, all dressed in theme and be painted in the face or hands. The festival also includes two moments of pause to eat. At some point comes the snack that provides organic juices, slice of pizza, chips and tart. Portion will suffice. The second pause is to eat the cake. If you have some pieces (the cake is very big) we are delivered to end party in a box so that they can take home.

During the festival, both parents must remain available to accompany children to the bathroom, however, other parents may decide to take a trip to IKEA, where they want to make a turn or remain at the edges (there are comfortable tables and chairs) to wait until the end of the party. We have also taken the bar IKEA water and coca cola for the parents and the budget has remained completely under € 90.00.

At 19 and a few minutes the party ends and we are given time to say goodbye and end the party. We think the cleaning staff. Each child receives a gift from the organization yet.

So low stress and good result.

Provato nell'IKEA di Grugliasco (TO) a luglio 2008.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Wedding Program Quote

Amusement Park - Fiabilandia

Il parco di divertimenti FIABILANDIA è sicuramente un divertente luogo in cui portare i nostri bambini di età compresa tra i 3 e gli 8 anni.
Si tratta di un parco molto più piccolo e con molte meno attrazioni di altri parchi come Gardaland o Mirabilandia ma forse proprio per questo un ottimo luogo per portare i figli più piccoli.
Prima di tutto dobbiamo know that the park does not provide hardly any attraction for adults, so the goal must be to entertain our kids.
Rivazzurra The park is located in Rimini, and then more or less halfway between Rimini and Riccione. The park is not new and this also makes it attractive, especially for some rides that parents remind their forties youth.
Like most of the parks in the area allows those who pay the ticket to enter the next day. But we must consider that a day is enough to visit and try all the rides.
We tried to park at the end of July 2008 (Thursday and Friday) and was a wonderful surprise to find few people in the park and therefore do not hardly ever go on line for rides. The park has hours that vary according to season. The day still starts more or less around 10 o'clock in the morning to end at 10 pm. It 's very important to know that all the rides stop and remain closed from 13.00 to 14.00 and from 19.00 to 20.00. This does not appear on leaflets and on the website but it is important to know because at those times you can not help but eat lunch in the designated areas (restaurants, bars and the like are always open).
Latest relevant information before starting the detailed presentation of the park and the fact that the ticket allows you to use almost all the rides. It is not nearly all. The only roller coaster this costs 1.50 € per person (for the moment then rises), the trampolines are paid and a carousel can be used only 2 times for each ticket.
But we enter the park and talk about some attractions:
Castle Merlin - this is the first tournament that we find the entrance. A tournament that will take at least 30 years but always beautiful. It rises to bort a cart for two people and enter the castle where there monsters appear mysterious and dark corridors. Carina. Not scary for children and does not go too fast.
Captain Nemo Adventure - this is perhaps the best ride of the entire park. Climb on nautilus (a spacecraft to 4 seats) and are traveling on a swimming pool with lots of splash and spray. You'll get wet from head to toe but it is refreshing and nice. Bella.
Gold mine - another attraction old but always fun. The classic roller coaster that takes us into the world of the old west on a carriage with 4 seats. The carousel (on the new roller coaster for a fee) that touches the higher speed. Not indicated for children under three years.
The lake of dreams - here we travel on a train in the form of an aquatic dragon. Great choreography, not fast. To be done once. Nice.
Bay Peter Pan - to explore on foot or with strollers in tow. Very charming and nice for children who will be fascinated by the journey through the world of Peter Pan.
The maze of FU MING - also to be visited on foot. Belli games of mirrors (the one that makes us lanky, what makes us fat guys, etc.).
The valley of the gnomes - or the classic roller coaster Baby-shaped caterpillar. Perhaps the most famous of the roller coasters. The path is quite long and impressive in a valley with gnomes and apples eaten by caterpillars.
The giant slide - again to do the classic slide with the pad. Nice that we spray the wet (very little) during the descent.
The off-piste - this is very nice. This is a two-seater jeep traveling on a path that is guided and free. Very nice to try to drive a car "almost" true. Too bad you can only do two laps for each ticket. Every time you step onto the carousel and as drivers and as carers we applied a small hole on the ticket. Quan 2, we finished the holes are able to use this tournament.
The magical village, carousel horses and carousel Alladin - several attractions for children. New and well maintained. A great space for children up to 6 years. Fine.
Maybe we have forgotten some but going on the official website of Fiabilandia is the presentation of all the rides.
In addition to rides, there are halls that are made at fixed times of the shows, there's the classic little train that runs throughout the park, a ship operating in a large lake in the middle of parco, ed una zona con animali da cortile. A sorpresa ci sono anche pellicani ed otarie.
Insomma sembra piccolo ma pensandoci bene ci sono un sacco di cose.
Io con dei figli piccoli un salto lo ho fatto volentieri.
Provato a fine luglio 2008 in settimana.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Sailboat Sunfish Diagram

Hotel Rimini - Gastone Riviera di Rimini Rivazzurra

L'Hotel Gastone Riviera si propone come un hotel con la vocazione per i bambini. Posizionato a Rivazzurra, sulla riviera romagnola a 10 minuti dal centro di Rimini is certainly the ideal place for families who want to bring their children to the sea.

The hotel is located in Viale Pegli, 22, or a quiet alley about 200 meters from the sea.

start the comment by saying that many things about this hotel is good but there are many flaws that make us think that on balance it is too expensive for what it offers.

strong point of eating, weakness in the structure of old and not sealing properly.

We enter in detail:

arrival it soon becomes clear that the car park (at least between July and August) will not be at the hotel. Parking spaces in the hotel are 5 or 6, and of course find a place is not very simple.

Leave the car in the street (though you are in a closed street with no traffic) here we are at the reception. Here's disappointment with the service offered to my mind was really great. The people at reception are polite but unwilling to provide the minimum information to better enjoy their stay. First of all you are asked if you have found a place for the car (the car park for those who make long stays or who has the all-inclusive is included) put in the hotel car park or on the street and you are invited to seek a place on the street (so says the person is comfortable at the reception). Only after that did not find a place is finally handed over the badge to park your car in a car park about 300 meters from the hotel. Parking, well maintained and very wide with only the worry of being in the sun. Too bad.

But back to the services offered by the hotel. For those who have also included the beach in the weekly package are told that we must go to the bathroom 116 (Attilio bathroom) pay in anticipation of the quota for one or several week stay (they are 60 euro per week) and to be given the Attilio received by then will be deducted at the time of the balance of your stay. Let's say that we would have preferred not having to pull out 120 euro for two weeks in advance, anyway ...

Finally we are given a card with electronic chip that will serve as extras in the hotel. This is convenient.

Nothing else is said. So there you are informed that the air conditioner in the room there but the reception you have to give the remote to get it to work otherwise function without being able to choose the temperature and speed. The remote control then you will be given only under request and we met several people that he has not and will not received throughout the holiday.
not even been informed that there is a chance to have a safe at the hotel lobby, very comfortable indeed. Again if not asked directly, and no one tells us anything it is not safe.
You are informed that the children have a right to play for free (you have to ask because it was listed on the site) and you are informed that you are entitled to a free ticket to an amusement park in the area (also in this case we ask for personally) will be offered guidance to the schedule of breakfast, lunch and dinner we are only told not to come Later at lunch as the buffet ends quickly.
short, the impression is that we try to say as little as possible in order to somehow avoid offering some services to those who did not request.
now turn to the rooms. Again, these things do not go so well. By phone when we booked we were told that the structure is not new but was not expected a structure so antiquated and poorly maintained. The worst thing is the carpet on the floor. Old, worn and dirty. Nothing to do with what is expected to provide three stars. The rooms are extremely small. Sheets torn. Benino towels. Discreet the balcony with a rope and with 5 pegs for hanging clothes and a white plastic chair. Well the dark, the shutters care. Too bad the second morning were locked and we had to wait in the evening to repair. However, once repaired all right. The TV rests on a cabinet and not on the wall already occupies little space. The TV remote control (a 14-inch) naturally broken (missing lid that closes the battery) but working. The TV takes the six canonical channels and nothing else.
The weak point of the room is also air conditioning. Positioned above the door, shoot fresh air or cold on your bed making it impossible to use it when you go to sleep or when you are in the room because the space is so small. We immediately asked to change rooms and we were given the remote control of air conditioner (we had not yet applied), saying that placing the jet at the top would be better. Not true. The situation has improved slightly but remained a big inconvenience.
Another negative the bathroom. First of all, no shower box. Is typical in these parts but still uncomfortable. Every time there is to flood the bathroom, and if a family member in the shower can not let anybody in the bathroom unless you want to take a shower in a group.
But the worst thing, the smell of the drains. The night often enter the bathroom becomes impossible. Again we complained to reception and they said that is common to all the hotels of Rimini and surroundings (mah?). However, they poured a little encouraged 'more than cleaning liquid in the pipes and it has improved.
cleaning of the room another negative point. Made quickly and with very clean outline.
The hotel has an elevator. Old too. Not possible to book a call and a bit 'loupe. Unusable for lunch and dinner.
We must now consider the full board. Breakfast from 8.00 to 10.00. Lunch and dinner at 12.30 to 19.30.
All in a restaurant a bit 'too small. So we eat is stored. The tables are rectangular and there is at tables of 10/12 people. This has led to the table with other families.
The breakfast buffet includes both sweet and savory salt even if the party is very small and only a few sliced \u200b\u200b(cooked ham, mortadella and salami) and cheese slices. The sweet part provides for the possibility of using machine (also antiquated) cappuccino, latte, chocolate, coffee etc ... or by other machine orange or red or cold milk or ACE thè freddo. Ben tre i gusti dello yogurt e tanti cereali a disposizione. Biscottini, fette biscottate, pane, e croissant (un po' secchi) da accompagnare con marmellatine o nutella (non originale). Si potrebbe fare di più. Il punto debole sono le bevande delle macchinette.
Il pranzo e la cena prevedono la doppia scelta di primi e secondi. Un primo di pesce ed uno di carne così come per il secondo. Quasi tutto molto buono con discreta varietà. Porzioni non abbondanti ma possibilità di bis o tris. Molto buoni i passatelli, buone le lasagne fatte in varie maniere e ottimi gli spaghetti alle vongole. Tra i secondi veramente buono il fritto misto, e ben cucinate tante varietà fish. Unforgettable sausage Romagna. After the two courses is the turn of sweets. Little fancy but always good. The weak spot of lunch and dinner buffet of vegetables. Too small (as we warned at the reception) for the number of meals. So often we have to queue, or fail to reach a specified time range. Salad and raw vegetables are always fresh and well washed anyway. Very good grilled vegetables.
The children are offered the chair and complete with glass, plastic and cloth.
The waiters friendly and helpful. Very good but the "right" for the family atmosphere that the hotel you want to give. Good attention for children (which are served immediately).
The hotel has a swimming pool. Too small even this. The lifeguard animator is very committed and does his job well. Very nice try to involve everyone with discretion. Bravo.
Unfortunately often in entertainment activities and people who do find a corner bath in the pool becomes difficult.
minute space in front of the hotel with two games for the kids. The games pretty well kept and many offer a good service for those children. Beware of the mosquitoes that feed on the day of the children who play in these spaces.
The animation is, but focuses mainly on the band 8 / 14 years. One evening a week intervenes bimbobell and here the good choice to consult a professional who can pass a pleasant evening for young and old. That sounds good.
short, a hotel that has something less than we are led to believe by reading the pages of your site and should be completely renovated to offer an acceptable service.
visited between July and August 2008.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Online Southpark Stream

Farmhouse: House of Lime

The farm House of Lime of Vigliano d'Asti (AT) is definitely a very nice little place in which to spend a nice evening in the quiet countryside of Asti.

As mentioned above the place is really nice and welcoming, while the kitchen has not left us a memorable souvenir.

All things to try.

House of Lime is located on a 24 to Nalbissano Vigliano d'Asti, which is about ten minutes' drive from Turin-Piacenza motorway Asti Est. The road to the farm once you leave the highway is really easy, maybe too much, so much so that there are very few signs for the farm. For those who have the TomTom Navigator when you type the address will not be accepted via the number of Nalbissano then once you get to the top of the road is reached the finish line as we are still waiting for a few hundred yards up the road is not paved but in excellent condition. The advantage is that the Linden House is situated in open countryside away from noise and busy roads.

As I said the place is really beautiful. Upon entering a well-maintained lawn welcomes us with a nice terrace decorated with taste. In the summer evenings you can eat outdoors and thanks to a good clean-up you can do it without being in turn eaten by mosquitoes.

The interior is divided into four large rooms are very nice, clean and tastefully decorated. Really nice.

so beautiful place (the farm offers hospitality through 3 apartments and one bedroom - we have not tried it and then do not comment - as you can see from the website farm) than memorable restaurants. Not bad but quite "normal." But we get into detail.

In our case we dined outdoors on a table with fine equipment and the comfortable wicker chairs and really nice. The dinner consisted of two appetizers, first course, main course, dessert, fruit, coffee and ammazzacaffè. House wine and water included.

start their own wine. Here great. We took home barbera (served in bottles) and was really a good choice. Really good. For those who are afraid of incurring bad jokes with wine della casa in questo caso si può andare sul sicuro. Una delle migliori barbera mai bevute. Noi abbiamo preso la barbera ferma, c'era anche la possibilità di avere quella frizzante o come bianco uno chardonnay anche qui prodotto dalla loro azienda vinicola.

Passiamo alla cena. Il primo antipasto Insalata Russa. Buona. Forse la migliore delle portate. Porzione generosa con bis. Il secondo antipasto Sformato di zucchine con salsa di capperi, acciughe e pomodorini secchi. Particolare e gustosa la salsina un po' meno lo sformato che sapeva molto di frittata. Comunque antipasto discreto.
Come primo, scelta tra tajarin al ragu di carne o tajarin al pesto aromatico (ovvero pesto, zucchine and potatoes). The tajarin homemade cooked to perfection but the two condiments nothing exceptional. Large portion helped by the fact of having arrived at the first after only two starters. Discreet.
A good second choice of stew with roasted peppers and mixed cheese. Unfortunately, none of us took the mixed cheese, and then we can say only the stew. Again nothing is worthy of note. Good but nothing special.
The sweet Bunet. And this helmet with a bunet which can be found in the many pizzerias in town. Maluccio. Finally, a
Ciottolina with sweetened peaches. Good peaches, but here too little imagination. Finally
coffee, made from the Moka. Not bad but nothing to do with the coffee bar.
ammazzacaffè As a liquor produced at home, in contrast to the wine did not give me great satisfaction. A sort of mulled wine barbera bent or cold. Low alcohol and very sweet. This, however, particularly imaginative and unlike the rest of the menu.
entire dinner with some good bread sticks.

services for children. The staff is very friendly and helpful with the children. Very beautiful meadow with the closed gate that allows kids to play in a green space without danger. High chair for children.

Summing it seems a good place in which it might be worth coming back for further cooking and maybe find some excellent that we could not find in our visit.
worth it if you have the children for the peace of the place and the grass lawn with well cared for.

Tried one evening in August 2008. (Official website: )

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