Tuesday, July 6, 2010

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"The concept of gag and information is something difficult to define" He said a friend of mine, a few days ago. It 'hard to define where the gag begins and ends the information. It 'difficult to distinguish the gray areas, and red, high risk. The truth is a bit 'all prefer to talk about anything else. The economic situation of workers of Pomigliano D'Arco, environmental disasters that threaten our health. We would like to start talking about a different society. We would overturn this state of things, this frantic apathy that pervades Italy far too long. Yet we are immersed, for weeks, in endless debate that occupies the front pages of newspapers and conversations in front of the bar: the wiretaps. The message from the leader is clear, obvious: No more rompeteci the balls. Let strafogare the rubble of Abruzzo. Let us convert Palazzo Grazioli in a brothel. Let us do business! In short, just the newspapers that make inquiries. Indeed, those who try risking jail. For three years. Banned journalists. Ban's brave publishers. Ban, alas, the truth.
The other morning, in absolute silence, Eboli was awakened with a huge gag over her mouth. Anyone who is found walking the streets of downtown, last Wednesday, June 23, he could see the lions in Piazza della Repubblica gagged. The same war memorial and all the busts in the city, Matteo Ripa Carmine Calo, up to Carlo Levi had a gag over her mouth. A strong message. Which unfortunately has not had the effect it deserved, nor among the population, or in local newspapers. However, we like to think that Eboli can share something good, proactive, putting an emphasis on the vileness of the cultural politicians in the government. And this message must start with young people. Lest there never sleazy attempts to silence the truth.
Giuseppe Avigliano

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Once again, the passion has been able to produce results, a passion beyond description, one that binds years Armando Cicalese, Marco Forlenza ebolitani and many others to the fate of national football. At first, the commitment of these supporters veracei represented a source of pride and honor for every ebolitano who could not bear the shame of failure, which was already well under way, they recognized the merits of these our fellow citizens without advancing any doubt of the positive Sulola their actions, with this initial push these men have been able to raise the sails and too many results achieved with great difficulty, their perseverance, today, has allowed to become protagonist Eboli, football, with Italy winning the Amateur Cup regional and, especially, with yet another promotion in D series, category, not just excellent, but it makes far more honorable eburina dignity and honor of the team so well over the crest of the city proper.
Yet even these are disputed ebolitani wonderful things, de-legitimize their efforts, kicking the courage to embrace the cross that caused so much fuss!
Ebolidiva has in its characteristics to that type of recognition ebolitani of that well represent their city, according to this, we could not excuse ourselves by honor the work of Armando Cicalese, Marco Forlenza and all the other wonderful fellow with a simple tribute represented by this article, and especially from a video posted on You Toub and www.ebolidiva.tk site, where all the portraits are the best moments of the final game played June 13 at the Stadio Dirceu and those of the final party at the Republic Square on June 15. A true and sincere note of gratitude for these people who continue to give their best in the industry that's more responsible and have always ensured and will ensure dignity and respect in football town. Thank you very much by the association ebolidiva! Cosimo

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Ciaglia and stories

Milan, June 21.
discharges of the building malfunctioned a few days and nobody knew why.
whole 'guilt' of a ball python more than a meter, which was stuck in the pipes of the building in Via Ungaretti, near Fourth Oggiaro, a neighborhood on the outskirts of Milan.
Some condominiums have seen peeping into the toilet at home, and immediately taken to the hunt serpent, instead of calling the ENPA, someone has seen fit to be discharged into the plumbing of the acid, groped for the kill. Fortunately, the suppression of attempts have failed and the reptile was recovered by the men of The Animal Protection and a plumber, who have extracted from the exhaust pipes. The news of the sighting of a probable and unidentified snake in the building turned to day: the intervention of the ENPI has blocked the 'hunt for the reptile' via hydraulic fluid. Have not yet been clarified how the animal arrived in the toilet block. The most plausible hypothesis is that someone, to get rid of it, has decided to throw it down the drain, but the snake managed to survive.

If a snake will come out of the toilet, please call the 02/97064220.

Gino Ciaglia

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few weeks ago, thanks to the decisive support of the Friends comunedieboli.com, of which we had already written in the previous month, although our association has the benefit of being in charge of a website ; www.ebolidiva.tk
this new tool will help us to spread even more and in a space all our activities we become involved. E 'already underway, in an experimental way, a new project that integrates its communicative character with this newspaper page. The new business is the development of our idea to promote the city of Eboli and ebolitani. In essence, thanks to technology, internet and distribution channels, including the site www.ebolidiva.tk, the platform you Touba, the main source of this activity, and the social network Facebook, we started making real interviews and videos about everything that is in the best way Eboli and curiosities of our city.
The project is called "tells ebolidiva Eboli" and is easily found on You Touba, writing in the search bar the name ebolidiva on face book, entering the profile ebolidiva or Cosimo Avigliano, or, more simply, by accessing the site www.ebolidiva.tk and visiting the various posts, amidst all the videos produced.
Another small step taken to justify our existence and be useful at Eboli and the ebolitani, as always, unpretentious, humble to the end, but always conscious of bringing in the heart of love for their city! Gianluca

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Someone pretends to ignore a lower value, but not just at Eboli Eboli, there are still those who art the true and pure, that dictated by the instincts of passion, that rough and tough ... that of craftsmen, just to be clear, he manages to keep alive the sense of "job"! In this new episode
social introspection in our wonderful city, we will to pay tribute to their category of artisans, who let us not lose the thread of history and to hold at least a modicum of our roots ... .. Eboli, always, was the cradle of so many crafts that made it a point of reference for many visitors and professionals; menders, tailors, blacksmiths, locksmiths, shoemakers, etc., etc .... Eboli were a true citizen of the trades.
To give some recognition to this category so mistreated, we turned to the friendly and well-known shoemaker John Palladino, aka Gerry!
Gerry is one of those that contribute to DOC ebolitani noble society ebolitana, shoemaker for passion, but, especially for cultural transmission from the father, well known local artist, Master Giuseppe Palladino, our friend, we welcome the prince with his motto, "the art and is half m'barat tat" (the art of his father is half knowledge).
His workshop, as we like to call it the charm that this word has, in Via Pio XII is located at number 94, 1982 by Gerry plays themselves this very important job, escaping from a long and fruitful apprenticeship alongside his mentor's natural , Master Joseph, who, even today, continues to pursue a passion, a shoemaker by trade.
In fact, Gerry tells us, that the cobbler is an art which has a well-defined family history Palladino, a history that has led to a handover between father and son very natural. There are so many memories that bind Gerry to his profession, memories that make clear his position of favor with respect to the dynamics of the work of the past, today the technology exists to make the important steps less complicated and shorter, paradoxically, a technology that has disarmed and the charm of that original craftsmanship ... .. However, there are still specific works that our Gerry prefers to do with ancient methods.
In the reflections of our friend craftsman shows a troubling lack of interest addressed to the crafts in general, a underestimation inconceivable that undermines all efforts of those concerned in trying to convey to young people this art, yet the respect for the knowledge of the trades should be ensured that they represented social importance for the territory, but it seems that this aspect are not widely importance.
Once, recalls Gerry, there are some real "challenges" among would-be teachers who saw so many young people involved, to make it even more genuine passion for the "job" will be set up comparisons between children of different territories to which the workshop was commissioned a work that should have passed the examination of the true masters of the time .... A challenge that allowed young people to understand their capabilities and to correct any limits!
no coincidence that our Gerry has mastered the art of reaching sandal in Cava Dei Tirreni one of the greatest masters of the area, Renato Need, Chaim "The Craftsman", but it is not the only point of reference, this In fact, with great humility, Gerardo tells us that you have followed the footsteps of various masters, including Cosimo ebolitano Altieri.
a shoemaker's shop is a veritable house of culture .... This conviction, adds the shoemaker's friend, comes from the large number of human contacts that are reproduced every day in my small room .... "Shoe Barbier, they know it's done and all quarters "(cobblers and barbers, they know all the facts of the neighborhood) ... .. "Shoe cusutur, Fannie and riebet struzzatur pa" (shoemakers and tailors, are debts with interest). A true source of wisdom Gerry stands in all its exposure, would recite many other sayings that have facilitated his understanding of life, but, with great regret, we have to close for lack of introspection this little extra space, then, we give the space enrich us with two more gems that certainly will help us in the future ...
"Every craftsman in his own shop, becomes a God Almighty!"
"To judge a shoe, must be a shoemaker! "
It is no coincidence that so much wisdom in the soul of a true craftsman houses ... they have managed to preserve this modern day hysteria, but this, for many of us, it is entirely conceivable, we do not know wait, we, the glue to dry well and effectively bind the upper to the sole ... .. Gerry Palladino, however, is a master at Eboli, and like him, many other crafts!

Cosimo Avigliano

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aftermath of Game and Friendship Tournament, held with great success at Eboli from 2 to 8 June and continuing the sport before the summer recess, the school Football Nagche "E. BELARDI "Calabria is also achieved in the category of Chicks Mr. Paul D'Antonio at the VII National Youth City Tournament Camigliatello Silano, held from 17 to 20 June 2010 year, the budding compioncini Iannece Michael Taglianetti Liberato, RUFOLO Damiano, Chiello Nicolas, Michael VIGGIANIELLO, Maiori Vito, Umberto Ciaglia Mariano and ALTIERI, the pride of President Felix BELARDI were imposed on the Sporting Club in the final of Corigliano Calabro taking home the trophy for 1st place, but the most important el 'insertion Nagche BELARDI of Eboli in the gold of the company winning the Tournament of Towns Camigliatello Silano.
Coordinator Manager Antonio VITOL wanted to remember that the work done by operators with great professionalism during the school year of football has given and is giving the desired results with the hope that the coming year
can be improved further, since that will be the expression of Udinese Calcio, with the aim of bringing the Nagche BELARDI Eboli to be one of the most important of the province of Salerno, appealing to local administrators want to contribute to these realities, thanks to Emanuele Belardi and its image , which is leading with honor the colors of the town of Eboli on the national scene.

Eboli them, 22.06.2010 Il Responsabile

Coordinator Antonio VITOLO