Monday, April 27, 2009

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Chemistry and Love

it may seem unromantic to talk about chemicals when addressing topics such as romantic love, but it was shown that each stage of love is marked by the production of substances specific chemical in the body. The discovery of "chemistry of love" was the result of a study conducted by a team of Italian researchers led by Dr. Enzo Emanuele at the University of Pavia. According to the authors of the research there is a real "love molecule" called NGF (Nerve Growth Factor = nerve growth factor). This molecule was examined about 60 couples, men and women aged between 18 and 31 years who had recently fallen in love and were together for less than six months. Among those selected were the lovers who claimed to be truly and deeply and spent at least four hours a day thinking about their partner. You found that both men and women showed high levels of NGF, 227 units compared to 123 units recorded in pairs or single long course. It was also found that those who reported feeling more intense had higher levels of NGF. The bad news is that "it does not last for ever": the same study has shown that by analyzing the same people involved after one year in the same report, the NGF was reduced to the same levels of those engaged in stable relationships and single . Anthropological studies, moreover, in which examined the activation of certain brain areas in males and females, have a functional confirmation of certain preferences regarding the sex: men like to watch, women fantasize. Males are more rapid fall in love, women more slowly in men The thought of a loved one active brain areas linked to vision and the erection, in women, but the areas affected by the memories. Reviewing the various phases of love, moreover, we can even identify "three types of love." During the evolution of the human brain has developed three systems to allow for reproduction: the first is related to sexual attraction, which drives individuals to mate, we can define this as the first stage of falling or being the "availability" . The substance involved in this process of abandonment and preparation all'amore è l'adrenalina, prodotta dalle ghiandole surrenali quando l'organismo è sotto stress. Essa provoca aumento della pressione arteriosa, dilatazione di bronchi e pupille, arresto della digestione, tutte condizioni interpretate dal partner come messaggi di seduzione. Una dimostrazione ci viene fornita da un antropologo americano che ha condotto i) seguente esperimento: ha mostrato a diverse persone due foto della stessa donna, presentandole come gemelle e ha chiesto quale delle due fosse più desiderabile. La stragrande maggioranza degli intervistati ha scelto quella in cui la donna aveva le pupille dilatate artificialmente. L'amore fa strani effetti... improvvisamente una persona assume un significato particolare nella vita di un altro, nasce un amore romantico, ma quelle intense sensazioni provate sono in realtà da legare alla produzione di dopamina (neurotrasmettitore); si inizia a non dormire, a perdere peso, a pensare continuamente all'altro e questa situazione quasi "ossessiva" è favorita dai bassi livelli di serotonina. ancora una volta una molecola prodotta dal nostro corpo.La seconda fase dell'innamoramento è quella della passione. La sostanza coinvolta questa volta è la feniletilamina (PEA), che è simile all'anfetamina; produce un vero e proprio senso di esaltazione ed aumenta le prestazioni psicofisiche. Provoca assuefazione e se viene a mancare, scatena una depressione da astinenza. Chi passa da un flirt all'altro, non appena si attenua la fase di infatuazione, can be defined as a true addict of Attraction. " The action of PEA affects young people more than adults. A curiosity is that traces of PEA can be found in the water of roses and chocolate, maybe that explains why you give roses during courtship and eat chocolates when it ends a love! The third stage of love is attachment or long-term consolidation. The hormone that stimulates the affection is mutual attachment lossitocina, produced by the pituitary. In an American university has found that giving oxytocin to male mice helped them build the nest and protect the offspring, if you block the production of this hormone, however, devour their children. Another key substance involved in this phase is vasopressin, whose production is greatly increased in women causing a feeling of total contentment. Can play an important role in the birth of a new love even the "casual sex". It may in fact trigger romantic love. Sometimes you make love to anyone who is just a friend and suddenly find yourself madly in love: The high level of testosterone caused sexual excitement may induce high production of dopamine in the brain and trigger love. We can also distinguish a further stage of love, that of maturity. At this stage, the couple continues to be linked through production of endorphins. some proteins produced by the brain that have an analgesic and sedative. To stimulate this production is the constant presence of the partner. Perhaps someone may seem irreverent to study the chemistry of love ", perhaps because love can be considered too frivolous, too personal or too sacred to be subject of study? But love can enjoy, it dies and you can get sick ... Understanding the basics of love will not remove it its charm, as well as knowing the biochemistry nutrition does not alter the taste of good food. Whoever believes in the eternal love continues to do well, after all not forget that man is the only animal that can afford to do or try something for the sheer pleasure of it!

Author: Ter Iachino